Letter to Legate Balstan

Started by I love cats, May 31, 2024, 02:13:31 AM

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I love cats

Dear Legate Balstan

For Legal reforms I propose some basic suggestions.

1. 2,500 is not a lot of dinar or hard to procure. It makes no sense theft of 2,500 dinar should be a capital charge this is someone who has a deadbeat that owes them 2,500 dinar. I think capital vandalism or theft should be at 10,000 but I can understand 5000-7,500 also.

2 A system for civil suites and procedures to claim assets from deadbeats.

3: Give legates the ability to appoint goons/agents able to make arrests and prosecutions for capital trials. Your legion are dweebs and useless. Rashid Al Rashid has not even stood trial for his actions at Kardesler.

4: Make Trials require a 50 Dinar entrance fee like a club. Watching trials is a privledge not a right. Obviously scribes, Legates and important witnesses are exempt.

5: Make sneaking around the city a minor crime and sneaking around the pyramid a serious crime. People sneaking around or being invisible is a joke. 

6: Increase the amount of fines that can be collected for minor and serious crimes this will enable taxes to be lowered.

7: Make a voice cost 20,000 Dinar it is too easy to afford a voice any idiot can get it. Pull the ladder up.

8: Lower property taxes and then codify it into law that they be kept low to stop future administrations from reversing it.

9: Allow property and or voices to be given away in last wills at a fee of 5000 for administration.

10: Keep poor worthless idiots away from our voting polls. Let us have a poll tax of at least 2000 dinar to vote in our elections. Let those willing to continue investing get a say in our government. There are losers who paid 3,500 and who think 5000 is enough to decide on leadership forever. Let us make the well for the rich. Grant exemptions to groups that are going to vote gold.

These policies effectively shank our opposition let us truly make this place an oligarchy and a plutocracy for the golden few. Let us see how far the Sultan will let us go to make this a reality.

-Magistrate Bruce Danebluff