[A Metropolis of Trade and Industry]

Started by Ziya, May 12, 2024, 09:54:17 AM

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Maribeh 12, IY 7788

The Maribeh elections begin!

Rumors quickly spread, as well, of prominent and influential visitors from Baz'eel. It seems that with the possible election of the League of Gold to both Legate seats, there are talks of a transformation to come to Ephia's Well, of a metropolis of trade and industry, of factories and wonder-makings...

QuoteFabio de Avalore, League of Gold Official

Legate Balstan Gloamingdaith. Argent Argyris. You are invited promptly to the offices of the League of Gold to discuss certain matters of particular import.

QuoteFabio de Avalore, League of Gold Official

Comptrollers of the League of Gold, you are invited to the offices...

The League of Gold was quick to begin campaigning...

QuoteBalstan Gloamingdaith

Up the Gold, fer our promises we can actually deliver. Folks who have dealt with me know I to be an honest factor, and the accords I have struck, I have delivered or are delivering. Vote fer the Gold, that yer may get what yer were promised!

Or waste yer vote fer the Whites and Purples, and be greeted with months of disappointment as they promise much but could deliver nothing, turning about tae blame me fer their inability. T'is an old song and dance, Ephians. Yer know full well what would happen.

Instead, vote fer the League of Gold - I have bade Fabio usher in the Comptrollers, and shared words with great powers from Baz'eel and afar. There be a truly marvelous future we can craft, here, my friends.

A shining city upon the dunes, a metropolis that may rival any of the other great city-states, a city of prosperity where there be jobs fer refugees tae build a livelihood and retire in comfort, where we forge engines of war with industries of plenty.

Defy another deadlock. Defy the Purples and the Whites. Usher in the Gold, Ephians, we are /so close/ to something truly magical and marvelous! Up the Gold! Up Ephia's Well!

A renewed excitement across the League of Gold, a fresh injection of vim and vigor: for if they should win this election, it is rumored, Ephia's Well may well be expanding and moving up the technological ladder of civilization for the first time in many, many years...

Ephia's Well holds its breath...

The Elections of Maribeh, IY 7788...


Maribeh 16, IY 7788

The Maribeh elections continue!

The candidate for the League of Gold...

QuoteArgent Argyris

I am the Candidate for the League of Gold, and our unified League - of individuals, each one praiseworthy, and each one as able, who will all be in my counsel and cabinet -- has chosen to campaign as one. To rally behind me, and march on to the future hand in hand.

This is the unbreakable link. A kind of New Magick, the sorcery of joint prosperity and commercial camraderie. You say others are running my campaign for me? Well!

I say that I boast a multitude of Voices behind me! And they feel - of their own volition! - compelled to make their choice known! Argyris for the Seat! Down with the Purple hypocrites and their backroom greasing, down with nepotism and mayhem!

Up with Gold! Up with honesty! Up with sincerity, with a willingness to embrace ugly truths - and a firm desire to make right by them!

These promises on the board are only half of what I aim to offer the Well should we prove victorious; here is a morsel for you to gorge yourselves...

I have been in personal talks with friends in Baz'eel. Certain investors, generous, creative, and sympathetic to our needs as a community... and secured a substantial investment for the future.

When I am elected, if I am elected, there will be no more hunger in Ephia's Well. And there will be no more lack of clothing, water, or shelter for the Refugees huddled beyond the gate of Sand. This long struggle to house these people will be at an end.

The District will be completed. We will break ground on the ash, and we will erect high rises, theatres, and places of industry. We will dig channels for the Water, and raise Pylons for the Shade. We will have clean streets, and bread in every hand. This is no empty promise.

We shall become a titan of industry; and our community will never be stronger. We shall have Ephian pride, and the Heron will billow proudly. We shall be a city to be envied.

We will outproduce, outlast, and outarm the Thousand Clans. We will grind Iakmes to a thin margin of dust with the unified might of Industry. Every man shall be a Prince, and every Prince enjoy his Paradise. No more Thirst. No more Hunger. All is within our grasp, now.

So vote! Raise your dinari, have your Togas well hemmed! Vote, Ephians! For the League of Gold, for Argent Argyris - and if not for Argyris, then for Gedwyr! Or Zalthar! Or Balstan! Vote for your neighbor, vote for a starving soul! VOTE GOLD!

Supported steadfastly by a united League and the incumbent Legate of Gold...

QuoteBalstan Gloamingdaith

The League of Gold makes /golden guarantees/, while the others may make frail promises. Betwixt Argent and I, what we offer is as good as gold, so remember that as yer head to the voting booth.

Be nay content with stagnation, or the inevitable 'alas, I may have promised, but Balstan vetoed me'. Instead, vote fer Argent, fer the Gold, and have us deliver fer yer betwixt our joint consensus what yer be due:

A metropolis of trade and industry. A new district with factories, jobs, and the opportunities fer refugees tae make a living and a future. Paths opened with the other city-states with which yer were denied. An Ephia's Well that is prosperous and strong.

Live and drink, Ephians, friends. I shall seek words with the Astronomers, the Banda Rossa, and others yet in the day tae come.

Soon, the campaigning period shall end, and the voting will begin...

The Elections of Maribeh, IY 7788...