A letter to the College [Balladeer PCs]

Started by Don Nadie, April 10, 2024, 07:03:29 AM

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Don Nadie

[Another letter makes its way to the College of the Balladeers of the Lost Hearth]

My friends, and former companions,

As you know, circumstance has thrust me into elections. I have been doing my best to represent the ideals of the League as best I could. It has come to my attention, however, that my candidacy has caused some issues within your ranks.

I would appreciate an opportunity for us to speak clearly and openly about our political priorities and positions. Similarly, a chance to speak with the three petals of the Rose as a whole would be most welcome. Please, feel free to discuss when a number of your ranks may be availible, and let me know when you'd care to speak, or approach me when you wish.



//GMT+1 afternoons/evenings are best!



Find me at week's end. There's a candor necessary for this particular moment in our political history that you ought hear from me in person.

  -- Aubrey Domergue

Don Nadie

[A resigned sigh as he mutters something about month-long naps. Then, a swift reply is penned]

Dear Aubrey,

I look forward to your candor.

