[A letter to Samton Ashworth.]

Started by Erudiche, April 06, 2024, 10:23:53 PM

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Sergeant Ashworth,

I write to you as a chronicler of this first battle of the Orcan War. I have been tasked to write, for popular consumption, a version fo the events to support the war effort. I would like to interview you about the battle. I would also appreciate a list of survivors and personnel who have useful information to provide.

Miro Lac-du-Manse,
Scholar of the Lantern
Redemption! Redemption!


Miro Lac-du-Manse,

Esteemed Scholar of the Lantern, you must forgive me but I do not wish to relive that day through its telling.
The others' experience will have to suffice.

May the Wheel grind your bones,

Sgt. Ashworth