Akna Ymir

Started by Vegan_Snickerdoodles, April 05, 2024, 09:03:51 AM

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    Akna was concepted as a shamanistic, ice-themed Bouldermancer, awakened from Faerun's remote far North. Her maximized Strength magic came from the spirits of the Wild her people observed; in her case the Polar Bear and his terrible but commanding might. The boulders were ice-crystals and particulate stuff swirled into projectiles.

    Her people traveled as the caribou did and fished when the ice broke up. They raised their tents whenever they needed to stop, and kept them warm with fire. They practiced democracy in the way some North American peoples confederated. Much cooperation was needed to survive, and they could rarely afford to make war between the People. That gave her an immediate and permanent bias towards White League, though it took her some time to get involved. I imagined the facts, names and details of her prior life as being lost to her. Only the essence of it remained, and she remembered being content there despite the stark conditions.

Picture that, basically.

    Waking in the sun-baked desert felt entirely alien and hostile to her. While she was generally a kind character, this unhappiness also left her withdrawn and prone to depression and resentment. Over time she developed some confidence and began to see Ephia's Well not as a hellhole, but just a flawed place like any other, that had limitless potential like any other. And it was now home. She thought she had something to offer, and believed she owed it to her democracy-doing People to try. She raised an early stink about the Mari Blacke case, going directly to the bellows after the sentence was announced. She quickly became discouraged (A trend for her) as she came to believe she didn't have the influence to do anything about it.

    So she got further involved in politics, hoping to grow wise and skilled in the system, to be able make positive change (and unseat Domhnall in a primary). It didn't work out that way, and she found herself compromising; playing for "the team", winning for the greater good. Feeling some shame about this, she never acted with as much passion as she could, always in the back of her mind considering herself a sellout.

    She ran for the nomination at the end of the second Marcellus - Domhnall term, against Ricario. Ricario and her were skeptical of each other, but they ran a clean campaign and discovered he had her beaten by one signature. She had gotten him to agree to submit his first, revealing his count. Not wanting to be a force of division, and largely lacking in duplicity, she submitted her losing bid as agreed, and he ran with her as his Prelate.

    That didn't work out well, and she ended up in the seat under unhappy conditions. That colored her entire term, upending her prior life in the Well. She had always felt comfortable living in the Krak, and mistrusted the Legion. Then the terms of her installment toggled hostile on the leading segment of the Rose, with neither side willing to forget what the other had set in motion. She had to try to make an entirely new support base work, while still being White League. 

    While I had a blast, she was pretty miserable as Legate and didn't think she did a good job. She had a tendency to be rough on herself. She all but gave up on her election against Marcellus, and not even due to the campaign. She just sank back into old bad habits, and doubted she belonged there, dwelling on her errors. She expected (And actually hoped) that the White League would tell her to call it quits and look elsewhere for a candidate, but she was the option, and she didn't want to let them down twice.

She had reservations, but was more motivated this time, and thought her chances were good. For a lot of reasons, however, she chose to go on this mission, and there she died.

I don't really take screenshots, so I barely have any. Here are some random ones though!

Typical Richo on the left, not conforming.
This Bird Loot that dropped from an orc raid was the hugest thing. Bird's still around; Reyer got it later.

Gambling with friends. And also Domhnall. Nabuko stood on like a 10 and won.

Heading to Frostport to Battle the Snorf on Scorchmas. In the background you can see Vico looking to score. He and Akna were buds back then.

No point in being Legate if you don't get interactions like this.

I don't even remember what this was about, but it was a Legate thing with Samton and I love it.

Akna promised her friends she wouldn't turn into Domhnall. Maybe she did a little. She was just in a bad mood here.
But those answers were and are based.


I loved these. I never knew who, but a DM stealthily upgraded Akna's outfit to DM loot tier after a pretty major milestone. I only noticed the next day or so, which was cool. People would later poke at her for wearing it instead of her Toga, as a former legate. Whoever that was, you're awesome and I wore it over the Legate robe whenever I could.

As for the hair clasp, it was her most cherished possession, and the flavor was perfect for her. It was also totally metal. "Yeah, just go in there and ninja loot a polar bear. No big deal."

Bit grim, but she knew and accepted what it was.


    Thanks for the fun! Akna went down to a pretty bad play by me, but that's war, and I was ready for the possibility. There's too many people to list, so I'm just not going to. But from the start of the character there were a lot of you, be they friends, foes, a mix of both, and even acquaintances, who helped Akna go from mostly a wallflower to being much more involved.


we all thought Akna did great as a Legate! Perfectly portrayed as someone seemingly out of her depth, but making some hard decisions.


I wish I got to see more of Akna.
I did very much enjoy reading her campaign material as a droid.



Sad that I missed the Akna legate era!

I really enjoyed interacting with Akna, from the moment she stormed into the White League offices and demanded answers from Aubrey to the last few interactions we had this week.

Good luck on the next.

Don Nadie

You did a great job! She was a good friend - and definitely a cool look at a person out of her depth through politics...

Also, I may have teared up a little with the goodbye letter: very sweet. Once more, EFU turns out to be a sadness simulator :'( 


Akna was the first legate who I actually interacted with regularly.

It taught me a lot and allowed my own character to grow as a result. And in working those cases and in having those meetings our characters also became friends.

You did great as a Legate and it was really fun to be able to finally be on the other side of that door, I appreciate you for that so much!

I'm also glad that we had time to finally pal around and adventure for a bit before her heroic end. It was fun having our characters interact without all the things that come with our titles.

Akna was great.


excellent character, one of the best white leaguers yet



i'll miss her a lot

Fabulous Secret Powers

Akna was really cool! I loved every interaction I had with her on Bashir. Even OOCly her death hit hard, and I was really looking forward to having her as a Legate, again. Definitely a very memorable character that I'll be missing a lot!

A lotta images



akna was a great showing and i look forward to your next pc
Redemption! Redemption!


Akna was a real one. Always a face in reason in the chaotic mix of politics.

A great PC

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi


loved her, white league won't be the same without her
The curtain of night
The lark of the morning
The end of a rotting dream


No one will be able to stop them from digging now.