A Letter to Marcellus’ Young Fan (DM)

Started by WriterX, April 02, 2024, 11:01:00 PM

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*A letter, written somewhat informally to a young boy who has not so long ago buried Marcellus' letter tray*


I hope you are faring better after our last meeting. I understand that emotions took the better of you, and I hold no ill will. I am still at times surprised that so many seem to favour and love me, despite the difficulties I am sometimes faced with, the decisions I have to make.

While I do not know how soon I may have the time to do so, I hope we could meet again, perhaps when times are a little calmer, less strenuous. And please apologize to your mother on my behalf, I did not wish for her to become so angry.

 I continue to read all of the letters you sent met, and each time I look upon them I remind myself what exactly I am fighting for, why I choose to be a Legate of our city.

May you always find shade from the sun, and plenty of waters to sup.

Legate Marcellus Saenus