The List

Started by Runic, March 13, 2024, 02:31:36 PM

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[Delivered by the haughtiest hen, on paper freshly conjured and smelling of fresh books and faintly of ozone, comes a missive for the eyes of all current Soldiers and above of the Legion. The hen, haughty and unafraid, scowls while she looks down her beak at all of them, eats Samton's breakfast muffin, and leaves.]

Longstanding has been the goodwill between our members. Soldier Keladon, Sergeant Ashworth, Sergeant Reyer, and Sergeant Lightdew each know well my workings. Though not beloved by the Sultan, long may he reign, we of the Tower will continue to support his men and women on the frontlines. To that effect, please see the attached list. If blueprints or bundles can be provided, crafts can be made. Please inform if you need anything.

Nadiri Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Astronomers of Q'tolip

[Following the introductory letter is the following list.]


Tool Blueprints:

Brewing Cauldron - Lightweight
Bedroll - Lightweight
Climbing Claw - Lightweight
Fishing Rod - Lightweight
Fishing Rod - Advanced
Shovel - Lightweight
Shovel - Mining Variety
Rioting Pitchfork
Gardening Rake


Throwing Blueprint:

Alchemist's Fire
Oil Bottle
Tanglefoot Bag
Sparks of Revelation
Choking Powder

Advanced Grenades:

Acid Bomb
Vanishing Smoke
Wall of Knives
Fire Bomb
Magic Disruptor


Missile Blueprint:

Grapple Gun - Lightweight
Sniper Crossbow
Explosive Arrows/Sparking Arrows
Scintillating Sling Bullets/Perfumed Sling Bullets
Booming Bolts
Flintlock Pistol
Lightning Rifle


Siege Blueprints:

Catapult Assembly Pack
Catapult Ammuniton - Normal/Shrapnel
Repeating Ballista Assembly Pack
Repeating Ballista Bolts


Uncommon Material Bundles:

Roguish Neckgear
Advanced Headgear
Greater Tinkerers Cloak
Makeshift Blowtorch
Oil Bomb
Lock Solvent
Greater Spring Boots
Archery Target Assembly Pack
Paralysing Dagger
Trap Disarming Hammer


Primative Materials:

Carnivorous Crytal
Paralysing Vines


Various non-blueprinted or bundled items, and some not listed as not deemed the more appropriate. Please bring material bundles and blueprints to Nadiri al-Saiba. That is all.


[A copy of this list is provided to several other interested parties. Notably, Alejandro Benjazar, and the Legates. Magnifica, the haughty hen, would of course eat something belonging to each party. She is the cock of the walk.]


Nadiri Zain

Would seek these three. What would be the price?

Bedroll - Lightweight
Shovel - Lightweight
Grapple Gun - Lightweight

Still testing poisons, won't be recovered until at least two more days.


Don Nadie

[Alejandro receives the List and lets Magnífica get away with his last cookie. A deep sigh as he continues scribbling and makes a note, to show the list to someone else, later.]



Cost of reagents for items requested estimated at seventy dinar. If you can provide the blueprints, it will expedite the process, otherwise they will be crafted as schematics are procured.

Nadiri al-Saiba

Don Nadie

Dearest Zain,

I am more than curious about those Spring Boots. Let's meet in person and discuss the specifics? As you may know, I am both a roamer and a hoarder, so having something to help me traverse strange territory without getting out a grapplegun would be quite the boon.




[Reyer's hawk Masterion departs the garrison and flies up to the tower, it drops the letter off in the lobby.]


Need an order for a lightweight bedroll and another few sets of fireball arrows. Bring them to the garrison when you they're available.

Sergeant Reyer


[A copy of the list is sent to each member of the War Council.]