To Quendi Giftgiver, Spring's Gift [DM]

Started by MAGIC, March 04, 2024, 03:11:00 PM

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Dear Quendi, Giver of Gifts,

I am inviting outsiders from Ephia's Well to join us in a celebration of friendship during the Festival of The First Blooming.

I do not know who will wish to join us. I will be inviting several elves of the weary old world. There are many others who will wish to come in friendship or out of curiosity.

I will turn those away whom I believe have done us wrong or who have wicked intentions. There are people who have taken advantage of or harmed or threatened harm against myself, Notos and the Spring itself. Sadly there are such people in the Well.

I will ensure that our guests bring no iron or steel with them.

I also want to bring Ishla back to the Spring. She is sick. She has fallen into a sleep that she does not wake from - but this is different from the sleep that afflicts some of our people. I hope that bringing her home might help her. I do not know if it is safe to move her. If it is safe then I will bring our sister home.

Can you please let the Newborn know that there will be guests?

Your sister,


Dear Quendi and Brennos,

It has reached my ears that the Astronomers of Q'Tolip have come to you. That they have told you that I am untrustworthy. That you have trusted them with sensitive information which they have then hidden from me. Information about the safety and wellbeing of our people.

These Astronomers have tormented me during my stay in Ephia's Well. They have deceived and tricked Notos into risking his life and soul so that one of them could win a magical staff. They have schemed to abduct me to perform experiments upon me. They have spread lies about me. They have threatened to execute me and have twisted the laws of the place to allow them to do this. They have told me that they will cut open my head and take my brain out. They have told people that I am evil, that I am a liar, that I wish the destruction of the world and the death of all things, that I am some blood red harpy. They have said all of these things and more.

They are not trustworthy people. So I must ask why you would trust them over me? I must ask why you would not reach out to me with this problem?

The people of Ephia's Well can be good friends. They can also be dangerous ones. I have found that being their friend is like being the frog with the scorpion on his back.

A while ago I delivered 10,000 dinar to the Spring. This dinar was so we could build an embassy if we deemed it wise to do so.

I think it is time we discuss this.

We must protect the Children of the Spring from danger and from manipulation.

With love,
Narwen Alendiel


Wayward Narwen,

Who has told you this?

You ask why we reached out to them, instead of you? A simple answer. We did not reach out to them, they reached out to us.

The Astronomers were guided to the Spring's Gift, by vision from the stars. A glimpse into the past. They saw a caravan of our people, attacked and the defenders, feared slain. I did not trust them at first, but we spoke, and through their words I deemed their intentions to be pure. Even when warned that they walked into certain death, they decided to search in spite of this. They determined it a duty, to rid the world of a foul substance known as 'Dretch'.

They wished to help, and they did. They found the caravan and what became of our people, and delivered the news to us.

If you think we have err'd in this, I would counsel for you to consider why? Has your time amongst the people of Ephia's Well turned you distrustful? Where is the brave and joyful Narwen who left our beloved Gift, so many months ago? What constant among all this assumed web of mistrust and suspicion is there, sweet girl? I think perhaps you know the answer, hard as it may be to accept.

In future, you should reflect, and consider, before bringing your barbs to bear.

As for your proposal - if the people of Ephia's Well are all liars, and manipulators, and murderers, what drives you to invite our people there? Why would we wish to walk among them, if they are as you say?

That you suggest the children of the Spring are not already so protected worries me...



Speaker Quendi,

I have a better understanding of the tale now. People have told me different things. False songs were sung by many without malice. I am grateful that they have acted on the Spring's behalf. I wish that they had spoken with me - that I could have done something. I have learned that they suspected that I was the one who told the raiders. They understand so little of me. I would never let harm come to the Spring or the Newborn.

You ask if my time among outsiders has made me distrustful? It has made me cautious. Wary. You are wise where I am passionate. So I heed your words when the fires in my heart are cool. It is true that I see the world through my eyes. But I am not the sole fly in the web. They have taken advantage of Notos as well.

There are good and kind people among the people of the Well. Our people are already roving the Great Sea. I met one of them. She was desperate. In her desperation she considered robbing me. I would help her and give her a place to stay. She would not need to worry about such things or burdened by thoughts of greed and loneliness.  I know there are other kinbands roaming out there. I will give them a place where they can come and rest when they are far away from the Spring. The children in the Spring are safe while they are in the Spring. Those out in the Great Sea have little protection.

That is what I envision, Quendi. A place of refuge for our roving kinbands. A place where we can listen to the song being sung by the Wellfolk. They are fickle but they can learn that it is good to be friends with us. We can help one another.

Narwen Alendiel