Legal Reformation

Started by Random_White_Guy, February 24, 2024, 03:06:44 PM

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Legislative Reform
Gausim al-Marain

Legislation at its core is a fundamental practice. The Voiced of Ephia's Well have been emboldened with a chance most in this Great Ash desert may never consider, in the Sultan's infinite wisdom and most charitable spirit. Ka'esh? Qadira? Il Modo? You believe these rulers would be so benevolent and so gracious to allow their Penal Code to be so malleable?

To this though I say a great many of the Voiced have a misunderstanding of what, or why, Legislative reform is. To assist in this matter I will be drafting this treatise to help stoke, I hope, the Voiced to be more vocal of their legal proposals and take a more active role as is their duty in the shaping of Ephia's Well.

Part 1: The Fundamentals of Law
At its core the Stele of Law is a symbolic representation of the Sultan's presence. However as said previously it is the chance for the Voiced to be the advocates of their own future. A Voiced who runs a mercenary company will see this world with a different view than a Voiced who serves in the Janissaries, than a Voiced who attends as a Scribe, a Voiced who spends his day selling wares in the Souk.

The beauty of the Stele is that it is able to be so changed.

In Ephia's Law this comes by three matters.

Firstly - The Legates may simply agree on a matter and see it enacted.

Secondly - The Assembly may use their allotment of time with the Legates to raise proposal among their peers.

Third - The Voiced may approach the Legates and seek to convince them.

Each option presents different difficulties but so too different opportunities.

The failing is a majority seek only the Second option - Presenting a half thought out law with little consulting of the Scribes, the Legates, other Voiced, of what a truly useful law would be. The resulting actions a matter of the Voiced swiftly leading into debate, insult, conflict, and ultimately a stalling of Legal proceedings.

Part 2: The Forming of Law
To get Both Legates to agree on a matter is no simple thing. It takes time, patience, compromise, and due diligence. Our duties are manifold and getting us to weigh in on a matter at times can be distracted by Accord threat, security issue, demands of the Pyramid, demands of the Sultanate, or other presses upon our time.

It is my fundamental belief that the best course of action in enacting a Law is for a pair of Voice, of two different Leagues, to meet and discuss the merits and failings of a proposed law. Find what works, find was does not work, speak with one another. Partake of scholarly and seasoned debate. Engage in the processes to the fullest.

Then, when you have both hammered out the details - Endeavor to seek the Assembly or the Legates.

There is merit to either avenue but it would prevent the most common practice of people showing up with a half-thought law that is left to wilt on the Assembly Floor.

Part 3: The Convincing of Legates
This however presents the final obstacle. Some have in the past sought to use Voiced Assembly pressure to sway the Legates into making a decision on a matter. Others have sought more private debate and audience, making appointments with the scribes, bouncing from office of Legate to Legate in hopes of progress made. Some believe like the elections if you are able to buy, bribe, or convince enough Voiced to raise their voice it shall be a chorus too loud to be ignored. Others believe more private pleas to Legates brings swifter progress, absent of theatrics, with gracious gift and new idea.

The answer, regrettably, is that there is no one true answer to enact whatever you desire. Each Legate has different ambitions, different views of the City, and a differing idea on what ought and ought not be codified upon the Stele of Law.

Patience is a virtue all too commonly known but when it comes to legislative agenda you must be prepared to flow as the endless river Edutu. Carve the massive canyon with persistent pressure but a willingness to ebb in some areas, flow in others. This the nature of compromise. This the nature of improvement. This, the nature of convincing.

At its core though there is a need for more Legislative participation from the Voiced. It is a duty, an opportunity, and a privilege that is squandered by so many who have found their way to this once illustrious Status.

To assist I present a small list of recent legal changes and their merits.

As well as proposed laws for the future that may be worth weighing.

The Reformation of Assault - Legate Akna and I were rightly appalled by the maiming of Hamdan al-Hamdan and the eye-taking of Radislav. She proposed the law be changed to raise it to Capital charge. The Deputy Chief Scribe suggested this come from a place of clarity and also the adding of Magical Assault to the Stele. This, was a good negotiation and a fair law.

The Revoking of Accomplice - A wide sweeping, vague, authority giving law which was convoluted, poorly written, and in many ways could be used to exploit any considerations. The Legate Akna and I came to agreement that this must be repealed.

Neither of these actions were robust, overly contentious, and somewhat boring. But such is the nature of the duty.

Let them be considerations of ways current laws may be improved, the Penal Code be stripped of overly complex notions, or possible alternatives to the present way matters attended.

In conclusion a list of Laws which, while they may be contested, all have a kernel of possibility.

Let your imagination guide your hands, oh Voiced, when penning and proposing Law.

Potentially Enacted Laws
Voiced Oblige - That the Voiced of Ephia for their efforts may be permitted Two rolls in conflict of spoils.
Minor: Resistance of or ignoring of such practice by the Voiceless.

Merchant Privilege - The prohibition of those not of the Gold League in partaking of the Stalls of the Souk of Salt and Spices, ensuring those who partake of the craft are true professionals dedicated to the craft and not merely boardworking hucksters. Minor Charge.

Political Fraudulence - The proven action of misrepresentation of a Political League's sworn tenets, active duties, and set Agenda. Charge: Serious & Dishonorable Discharge from League.

Bearing Military Armament - The action of wearing Chainshirt or Heavier, Non-Accord, without authorization of al Legate, Minor Charge. The action of wielding a weapon, as a Non-janissary, without authorization of a Legate, Serious Charge.

Voiced Negligence - The act of the Voiced participating in unvoicely Actions. Minor: Excessive disruptions of Assembly or travel into The Creep. Serious: Owning property within the Tablet, Creep, or Non-Baz'eel Foreign Settlement. Capital: A proven track record and noted pattern of refusing to engage in Civil Procedure as Voiced aside from election profiteering.

Consumption of Prohibited Material - Minor: Possessing or espousing the works of notable charlatan and dissident Fornato.

Illegal Possession of Trophy - The criminal act of stripping upon the field of battle amidst active conflict, or knowingly concealing prize, secured from the villainous champion and chosen heroes of the Monstrous, malicious, or craven. Charge - Capital.

Economic Sabotage - The criminal act of knowingly undercutting established market potion rates absent of just cause, agreed contract for reduced cost, or as debt for service rendered. Charge - Serious.

Election Tampering - An active ban upon the act of raising a Voiced of Ephia's Well during time of Primary or Election, unless one is an arriving Citizen of Baz'eel. Charge: Capital.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips