A sea-smelling letter, sent to the Pyramid [Akna]

Started by Don Nadie, February 08, 2024, 05:55:48 AM

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Don Nadie


I am currently away and won't be truly able to focus on the Well until tomorrow. I have heard enough of the Bellows, however, to get a picture of the situation.

I shall try to make some time today for a Bellows or two. If you need me to, as Prelate, to ratify the agreement with the Princess, please ask. In the meantime, if you can make time to summarize briefly the events, I'd be most grateful.



PS: I know it is but a mild consolation, but you did well. I would've done the same, painful as it may be.

//Bit tricky to log in before late-ish on the 9th (got some exams) but feel free to PM me and I can try to hop in!