Domnhall: First Counsel on Law

Started by Random_White_Guy, January 23, 2024, 05:38:23 AM

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Legate Domnhall,

I write you now in public letter which shall be published to my records of my first official duties as First of the First Seat, Magistrate of Ephia's well. Please note that your response as well will be catalogued, and keep in mind such a thing.

QuoteMy First Counsel is as such: Suspension of Article 12 of Ephia's Legal Code, either conditionally suspended or removed from the Stele entirely. In regards to "Accomplices" In its current incarnation it creates an atmosphere in which aiding one guilty of a minor crime results in a citizen's own charge, allowing near universal power for the Fourth to link a daisy-chain of criminal charges ad nauseum. A savvy prosecutor could in theory charge every single man, woman, or child who holds a hypothetical Blue League Badge of one crime by saying they were co-conspirators per written evidence.

Trials and investigations should be pursued individually, not as some interlinking web of confusion and spidering paths of hearsay and who delivered what to where and shifting judgements on what is or is not constituting of "Knowingly" serving as accomplice based upon which legate and which magistrate sits.

It is a heavily leaning sentiment at a time when there is a very swift instinct by the Fourth to lean heavily, as already proven this day. The Law must be clear, concise, and direct to counter that. Not left to such...wiggling interpretations.

Theft is Theft, scaled as defined as sum.
Vandalism is Vandalism, scaled as defined as sum.

These are clear, direct and what is required for Refugees to understand. Article 12 is a glaring misrepresentation of jurisprudence in attempt to be a wide net and lazy process.

It must be suspended pending a redraft or removed.

Beyond that

The First official act shall be compiling a Legal Code of the currently updated text as of the Nisah 22nd Assembly. I shall then on a per-assembly basis, proceed to see it updated as required or enlist Scribes in Jurisprudence to assist in such.

Should other services be required merely leave word or seek me.

Magistrate Gausim al-Marain
Honored Water Bearer of The Great Temple of Baz'eel
First of First Seat of Ephia's Well
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips