Tactical Assessments of Goblinoids and Reptilians of the Great Ring.

Started by Haroshia, January 18, 2024, 04:21:40 AM

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Tactical Assessments of Goblinoids and Reptilians of the Great Ring
Volume 1: The Kobold
By Elli Hamdi, Cleric of Agaslakku, Blue Tassel Scholar of the Sandstone College

Kobolds are a perpetual menace everywhere around the disc. They were before Ringfall, and they continue to be after.  This writing will attempt to in simple terms provide tactical suggestions to battle against them.  This knowledge has been gained from the author's numerous decades of experience fighting the beasts, as well as recent experience fighting them frequently among the Great Disc.

First, let's begin with weaknesses.  Kobolds are generally speaking very small, fragile, and not particularly intelligent.  They are capable of speech, but mostly communicate in hisses and yelps.  They can sound almost doglike, but they are actually reptilians.  Weapons and magic tailored against such things will prove particularly effective against them.  They are also universally wicked beings, so protections against evil prove very useful. 

One of their largest weaknesses is their desire for subservience that seems to be part of their very nature.  Either through generations of selective breeding or perhaps just how they were designed by whatever wicked god put them together, it is in the nature of a kobold to seek a stronger creature to follow.  Often, they will look to more powerful reptilians for this, but they can also be easily intimidated by a stronger adventurer, especially if they are alone.  They are by nature cowardly, and this can be exploited.  This does mean however that if you see a large force of kobolds gathering, it is wise to consider if they are there of their own volition. 

Now for their strengths.  First, and most obviously, their reproductive cycle is extremely low.  It is nearly impossible to exterminate them for good.  It only takes a couple to lay a large clutch of eggs which hatch and grow to a combat ready kobold in a matter of weeks.  This is likely why despite their numerous weaknesses the species continues to flourish.  This sort of strength can be seen in many species in the animal kingdom, generally among insects.  Second, despite their lack of intellect they have an innate understanding of cunning combat tactics.  They will plan ambushes, burrow through the dirt, and some even can call upon divine and arcane spells.  Just as a fish does not need to be taught how to swim, a kobold does not need to learn how to stab a person in the back.  They just know.

When engaging a kobold, first assume that if you see one kobold, then there is more waiting.  It is likely a single kobold is attempting to lead you into an ambush, and should never be followed, chased recklessly, or trusted.  Keep your ranged weapon of choice handy and shoot at them as they flee.  Never do business with one or show pity to them, as their foul cunning would have them exploit any of these situations to cause harm to any they are not subservient to. 

Now we'll cover some basic tactical tips for fighting against kobold swarms.  Many of these are basic when engaging any foe, so we'll cover them swiftly.  First, they will swarm.  Although their individual strikes hurt, it only takes a moment of flat-footed distraction to be struck by many at once.  This has been the death of many a would be adventurer.  Keep blurring vials handy, or other methods to turn aside the damage from blades.  However strong your armor is, or however swift you are, you will not dodge all the attacks from a kobold swarm.  Second, prioritize their casters.  Often, they will be granted powers by some dark god or another, and some even have some innate blood magic.  They will frequently use this to call upon stronger beings that can be a real problem.  Kill the caster and the summons fall.  Third, area effect spells that impact the mind or the body can be a godsend, but not as much those that can be dodged.  Kobolds are very swift creatures, but if that swiftness is removed, they can be made very vulnerable.  Fourth though, and perhaps most importantly, do not underestimate them.  An individual kobold may be weak yes but given that every one of them has that innate cunning for combat and ambush tactics they can be very well coordinated.  Never let arrogance drive you in combat.  Overconfidence is a killer.

As for specific tactics, make sure to always keep an eye on your flanks, and behind you.  Kobolds tend to burrow and will pop up behind the more fragile members of your party and deliver a flurry of sharp blows to their kidneys.  This can cause a line to collapse quickly when healing is slowed and ranged fighters panic.  Expect it and avoid panic.  If you see a bunch of kobolds riding on the back of a large lizard, kill the lizard, but be prepared for the kobold riders to abandon it and charge you.  They often tame large dune creatures of the Great Disc to use as cavalry.  If among a group of kobolds, you see one with a large war standard on its back, prioritize killing it as often this is a kobold that has written to prominence among its fellows, and will whip those around it into a frenzy.  Once slain, their morale quickly breaks.  Beware of being drawn into choke points, as it is not uncommon for kobolds to employ gas bombs, caltrops, greases, and other such disrupting tools. 

Hopefully this is a good primer for fighting the common kobold.  More volumes will likely follow on the other various Reptilian and Goblinoid types around the Great Ring.  Remember, tactics are always evolving, so there may be things not covered in this writing that the kobolds pick up.  Always be wary, and always be ready to adjust. 

Live and drink!