Make it possible to discover what buffs a person has

Started by Eraamion, January 29, 2014, 06:50:30 PM

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In vanilla NWN all the visual effects are on which makes it possible. To avoid being overwhelmed, this is (mostly) removed in EfU. However, any person with decent spellcraft would be able to tell what buffs the person has.

Suggestion: make a reading device which, if used on a person (even on distance) can tell you (having made a spellcraft check) what buffs are currently on.

The alternative is to make a divination cantrip as Granny is suggesting but that may be more complex to script and you would know you are being read.


Actually, a person with high spellcraft would not be able to tell what buffs a person has, unless they personally witnessed the casting

Unless you cast arcane sight of course - and that's only a wizard/sorc spell at level 3. (so probably only wizard)


Quote from: Dredi;370835Actually, a person with high spellcraft would not be able to tell what buffs a person has, unless they personally witnessed the casting

Unless you cast arcane sight of course - and that's only a wizard/sorc spell at level 3. (so probably only wizard)

In terms of EFU house rules, this is actually wrong. There has been several instances in the past where a character has tried to cheat in a duel/no buffs arena tournament and PC's present were given the opportunity to notice the spells in effect with spellcraft checks by overseeing DMs.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


If duels are the issue, have someone with dispels on standby to ensure fairness.

There are obvious spell effects you can see, stoneskin, blur, high level barkskin, flame weapon etc.

Your sword being magically sharper or your reflexes and strength being enhanced I don't believe should be visible.


It would be my personal preference at least that it is not publicly available information.


I hope you all will read the suggestion guidelines after today.

Suggestion was made, and whether we choose to put effort in implementing or not, is up to us. Or rather, if we feel there is a need or even if it's worth it.