[Letter to Eamon Bronzegate]

Started by Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, December 05, 2023, 05:57:19 PM

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A letter to Eamon Bronzegate is delivered by one of the Acolytes of the Sibylline Vine.]

Esteemed Waradim, Eamon Bronzegate,

Having read at least the opening to your work "The Wanderer's Parable" not once but twice now, I must say that I am heartened by the principles that you have emphasized. That Warad shall walk as "a companion in the boundless expanse" is a poetic description of His work upon the world. While I have not written any works on Warad alone (in my verse He always, in fitting allegory, accompanies or meets another of the Spokes), we find common cause in our understanding of His role.

You likely know, of course, that I was with Lyrist Lynneth when she perished at the Red Hill. Some ten feet from her when she answered a blow from the great Sibilant titan-general that laid her low upon the sands. That your work memorializes her and raises her work up in honor is right and fitting, for the Martyrs' command is that the names of the virtuous dead should live on.

I offer one correction, which is essential, and I urge you make: Lyrist Lynneth's surname was not "Llymarch" but "Llywarch", with a "w" rather than an "m". I oft made the same mistake you did while she lived.

Beyond this, I hope that we may meet and discuss the Wanderer's role in the Well, alongside Kula and all the wholesome Wheel.

I look forward to reading more of your works.


Sister Amelie