[A perfume-clad letter to Zain. Notes: Banana, cinnamon, brown sugar.]

Started by Fabulous Secret Powers, December 03, 2023, 06:40:15 AM

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Fabulous Secret Powers

Dearest Zain,

my deepest apologies for not being able to have longer conversations with you lately. My duties keep me quite busy, especially during an election. However, that is still not an excuse for not at least sending a letter, so, considering this yet another sincere apology on my part.

How are you? I hope that you have been able to find comfort amidst your labors. If you are ever uncomfortable for any reason, remember that you can speak about it to me, no matter what. And I do mean this! Even if it seems as if I am on my way to a meeting, do not be afraid to stop me for a conversation.

I have been trying my best to find that cat for you, but it seems like I'll have to put in even more of an effort to actually obtain one. I do not know why they are so rare!

And speaking of familiars... I do not remember if you have seen mine, but I have one now. It's called Inky, and it's an animated... collection... of ink. It's kind of annoying, but I have it mostly sated now by giving it a lot of books to read. Which was kind of expensive until I realized that it isn't very picky, and that I can just keep giving the cheapest books that I can find to it.

Your friend,


P.S. Picking out a perfume for you was really difficult! I hope that you don't mind this more experimental one. Hopefully it brings you comforting memories of your dearest Jadda!

P.P.S. Banana blossom soup is absolutely amazing! You should try it!

P.P.P.S. They also make paper out of banana stems. It's really coarse! I don't like writing on it!

P.P.P.P.S. Now, this may be controversial, but I actually prefer plantains... They're far more versatile.


[The letter is written on freshly conjured parchment that smells of a newly opened book. It is delivered by a haughty hen, who promptly steals Bashir's food and leaves.]


Do not concern yourself with it. My duties have also kept me busy.

I am well. I pray you are well also. My discomfort is often medicated by 'control rituals', performing actions in which I feel in control, but given it is mostly blood-letting I have been asked not to do it in public.

A cat will come, but there is no rush. Magnifica is improving as a familiar as of late, though she remains as unruly as ever.

I have seen your Ink familiar. It is a curious thing. At least it is willing to learn.

Your friend,

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip

Fabulous Secret Powers

Dearest Zain,

it is good that you are seeking forms of control. However, I am not certain if the ritual you've chosen is as helpful as it might seem.

In the past I've asked you to not do this in public. I apologize if this seemed like an uncouth attempt to guide you towards social mores. In truth, it was an attempt to get you to cease it altogether, as it is something that will become more detrimental as time goes on. Perhaps it is hypocritical of me to say so, with my many unhealthy habits, but what you are engaging in is self-harm, plain and simple, even if you can heal the effects with a mere cantrip.

I know that you cannot stand people speaking for you, fighting your battles for you, and so forth. Yet this is not my attempt at anything like that. Do not think this as me merely expressing my discomfort, and do not think of this as me blaming you for anything. I simply want you to be comfortable. Not for my own sake, but for yours. I cannot claim to know how you feel, and I cannot live your life.

As such, I would like to make a simple recommendation. You can choose to heed it, or ignore it. Whenever you feel uncomfortable in social situations, and feel like engaging in the blood-letting ritual... Say that you are uncomfortable, instead. You can whisper it to those around you, or just say it out loud. If you want to leave, just say so. If this discomfort should occur during an Assembly, simply catch my attention, and I will personally take you away and spend time with you, or lead you somewhere where you can have some comforting privacy.

I also know that you find comfort in weaving, and as you cannot have a loom everywhere you go... I'd suggest trying knitting, to see if it interests you on the same level.

Hopefully this was of some help. Your comfort is extremely important.

Your friend,



[A letter, delayed in its delivery, either by the course of duties, or by the fat hen who saunters in to deliver it. Clearly she is a slave to no-one, and performs what is asked of her on her time and her time alone.]


Your concern for my wellbeing is noted. However, while my mind is differed from others, it still functions. Even if I did not bloodlet for the sake of my control rituals, the iron within my blood is aidful in my craft and would be siphoned for distillation and processing regardless. For the sake of decorum however, I have attempted to restrict it to the confines of the Mount or the satellite labs.

I wish not to dwell on this subject any longer. Please inform if the Pyramid is in any need of specific crafts.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip

Fabulous Secret Powers

[Over the span of a few days, Zain's second reply is read with obsessive repetition. Several drafts for a reply are written, and ruminated over, before they are abandoned amidst muffled sobbing. Some are crumpled, some shred, some tossed aside and later rediscovered beneath the sofa during some fervent cleaning.

No reply arrives. Eventually, the letter joins countless others, inside a a folder where sentimentality teems endlessly.]