[A perfume-clad letter to Atreya Lightdew. Notes: Lime, cinnamon, wormwood.]

Started by Fabulous Secret Powers, November 26, 2023, 05:58:00 PM

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Fabulous Secret Powers

Soldier Atreya Lightdew,

Here is your request. I have censored all instances of the Wyrm's name, as I have no interest in carrying records that are thoroughly cursed. Just fill in the blanks in your mind, I suppose. Further mentions are probable, but involve far more work than charity of a 120 dinari pays for.

Quote from: Bellows record
Qdim 20th: "Ah, yes! 'Fellow [REDACTED]-kar.' Would you consider redirecting our meeting most clandestine to the comforts of the Krak? You see, the wine is better and the lighting more suitable for me to slap my comrades playfully as we bandy about the downfall of the Well."

Tesrin Hray 26th: "A misery, to know that [REDACTED] has poisoned your humanity so, Constantine, that you cannot see the importance of this task - so blinded are you by hatred."

Subat 26th: "I am Aubrey Domergue! Voice of the White League! Veteran of Red Hill! Champion against [REDACTED]! Once, Balladeer of the Lost Hearth. I have fought beside you since I was a humble and desperate refugee. I have served the interests of the People. Now, I strive to serve you dutifully as Legate."

Quote from: Various meetings
Subat 15th, Meeting about the Rose District: "Wretched of [REDACTED]."

Subat 25th, League of White Meeting
: "Constantine has been gathering power to enact a ritual to bring about the Third of three titantic creatures of [REDACTED]."

It should be noted that madame Domergue actually despises Wyrmists and the Sibilant. She simply has no filter whatsoever, which is the actual explanation for why she names the Wyrm so often. As such, any investigation into her being a secret cultist will most likely be a waste of time. I suppose you might thwart some of the Wyrmist assassins that are supposedly trailing her.

Senior Scribe Bashir Khatara