A hidden book within the College of the Balladeers

Started by Karp, November 24, 2023, 02:03:13 PM

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If you find this book, you didn't. Leave it be.

These thoughts are mine to exorcise through ink and quill and Drink and solitude.


Been following some leads into the case of Velan Volandis. Was the man truly a brooker, or just a self-obsessed fool too stupid for his own good? Maybe a little bit of both.

Truly self obsession seems to be a common denominator among the balladeers. I once described Aurelio as a man who sees everyone else as a mirror. But the more I spend time with the rest, the more I feel like that would describe them all. Maybe myself too.

Haven't seen Amélie lately, I heard she made Sister.
I'm happy for her, she's the one who puts me the least on edge. Selsi, though...

I used to look up to Roderick, man seemed to have it all together and is well liked and respected, but oft times I find him too even-keeled.
I wonder if he were to cut himself would he bleed yellow.

I've been getting into painting, lately. Since I spend most of my time at the hall of Manual Arts, I keep seeing Lyrist Beauregard at work. Man does cut an imposing figure, unlike others. I aspire to be as talented with brush and blade as him.

I almost forgot. I talked to Jamileh the other day, on the topic of the world. She had some ideas about awoken and their reason to be. My father, suffer in death you cruel bastard, was one. He would speak while dreaming, whimpering about "Ascension" and "Remove me from disc and loop". He would then awake in anger and beat Marcel and I senseless.

I hate awoken.

Jamileh believes their deaths power the Machine.

I have to wonder, what if it's the Sun that powers it? This is probably blasphemy, but I know almost nothing about the Pra'raji to know for certain.

I wish to hurt someone, I don't know why, I must pray to the Mother for cooler blood to course through my veins.

-Don't trust the fat man in the Souk


I woke up in the late afternoon.
Yesterday has been one of the most eventful days since I arrived here at the Well.

It all started when I woke up and walked up the stairs to find several members of the Leaague of White gathered at the College (Why don't they gather at the League's offices?). They were discussing Al-Sayaadin and most people seemed for the idea of disbanding it, since it seems the people will still rally against the orc menace, whether they receive a small wage for it, or not.

After that I asked Alejandro for some help about my upcoming art exhibit and we went to the Souk, where Don Souk would hand out free water to atone for his sword-stealing sins or something to that effect. I praised the Mother, took my water and returned to the Krak, for apparently someone had died.

And, gods, someone had. That kid, Corvo. The one with the insufferable companion, Syclya.

They had apparently delved into the gutters to meet with the accursed Meatmancer. Some say they were forced to do this by Lawcleaver, or they went voluntarily. Well, it seems that Syclya wanted to go meet with the Meatmancer, and Corvo was just a foolish kid in love, following after Syclya.

The Brooker took Corvo's hand and made him swear to a pact, in order to spare that loudmouth fool.

Upon their return, a sham trial was held by the actual power behind Marcellus' seat, Aaisha.
Corvo was executed by Lawcleaver in the Gutters, like a damn dog.

After this all came to light, the usual bellows started, but after a while  I feared a riot would start. Hm...between you and me, dear reader, some part of me hoped a riot had broken out. But anyway.

In the end, Aaisha resigned to her position as Magistrate, and peace was maintained.

-Roderick isn't the chickenshit old man I thought he was, I may have still some things to learn from him.
-Haven't seen Samira in a while, I keep meaning to tell her that I feel as she does. That the Rose will take over the Well, one day, as is our Right.
-For all the shit I say about Aurelio, the man Drinks. He may even outdrink me.
-The new students are something else. Rur mostly takes orders and nods, but the other one? The elf is a little shit, and I love those. He started some ruckus with just a piece of poetry. I may have a new friend.

-Remind Roderick to throw away the goblin treasures he still keeps, they reek of vomit.
-Find out where to buy easels, my first show is coming up.
-I painted a selfportrait, am I becoming Aurelio? (burn self-portrait?)
-That asshole Reyer took off with my coin and never sent me back any information on Volandis.


Another day of blasphemy.

Whose severed head rests near the spokes of the first wheel?

To unmake the world, with Cup in hand, I must learn first of how it was made.

But they hide the knowledge from us, and they keep the secrets that true power demands.

A demon is a demon and will always be a demon, but was a demon born or was a demon made?

Must keep an eye on the new student, Gui, for he refused a drink of the Drink.

Woe! Woe is me...Efoodle glory eludes me. What in the hell is Vinyl?


Finished some commissions today.

Hamdan al-Hamdan paid me with a piece of paper "valued" at 400 dinari. Said he lost fifteen thousand dinari on his political campaign. I let it slide, Roderick said I should focus on the long term effect on my actions, not the immediate. So this is what I'm doing. I still feel like I'm being scammed.

The other one was for Reyer. Didn't like how the first one turned out, so I made a new one. He's not a bad man, but he's still of the Fourth. Once the Rose decides to rise, he may soon discover that I am far more talented with blade than brush.

I beat up some stuck up new student, Bucket boy. My fight with a one legged kobold from two weeks ago proved more of a challenge than what he brought upon me.

What makes a balladeer? They're all so different.

This is the earliest draft of my Arnock Reyer portrait. I should have finished this one.


Domhnall Guivarch is scum; his white toga, sullied.

His fall will be uneventful and his name, forgotten.

The morning promises one thing to me: Chaos. My faithful dancing partner.

I will unmake the world.