The Reconciliation of the Aspects of Kula, the Wyld

Started by Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, November 18, 2023, 09:54:53 PM

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[Published at the Sandstone College and appearing in the Krak des Roses, and other libraries, as well.]

The Reconciliation of the Aspects of Kula, the Wyld

Prepared for the Symposium on Metaphysical Discussion held by Jordan Clearcreek of the Sandstone College and moderated by Zol Nur of the Sandstone College

In Ephia's Well, Subat 18, IY 7787

Acolyte Amélie Terrois of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine


Kula is shepherd of Life upon the disc, and is known foremost by two names: "Kula" and the "Wyld". While often used interchangably, it suggests a distinction that is reflected in actual differences in the style, means, and frame of worship. It may be fairly said indeed that, She bears in Her domain across two divergent aspects.

The first is Kula as the Shepherd, She who has not only taken up the stewardship of Life, but who has sought to lend order to it in aid to the civilized reaches of the world. We find instruction from the Great Gardens of Baz'eel, that the Kailah tended in the days of Osman IV, and who called-also Kulamet still tend the great glories of the Ecstatic Terrace and the Great Gardens themselves. Kula keeps Her charges well, makes holy the works of shepherds and farmers, and encourages Life that it should flourish at civilization's hand.

The second is the Wyld of Bel-Ishûn, glorious in its verdant expanse, but primal and writ through with all the terrors of the world beyond these walls. This too is Her domain, for as we look out to the desert sands, to see the lions, the sand tigers, the dunecats, we know these are Her creatures also. The Wyld guards Her domain with a spear, sharp and ready against the corruption of the Wyrm and the Djinn.

Any Kulamet must consider these well as both within Her power, and though we may take different approaches to the spread of Her faith, each aspect must mark the other as essential to the cause of Life. For Life that is cultivated and tended encourages the flourishing of civilization beloved of B'aara and Izdu. And Life that is savage afield culls the creatures of the Wyrm and the Enemy ere they can grow too powerful in the malignant places of the world.

Thus these aspects are reconciled. For in the wake of the Immolation of B'aara, Life has had need to defend itself against the malevolent gaze of Pra'raj. And while we my tend the herds, the Wyld creatures beyond wage their own conflict against the Enemy, from the tangled reaches of Bel-Ishûn to the wide desert sands.

For Life endures by the power of the Wheel.