A letter to Farideh Goldbarg

Started by DONT PANIC, November 11, 2023, 05:24:43 PM

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I wish to personally invite you to join the Metaphysical Roundtable, a philosophical debate to be held by the Students of Sandstone College.

Topics will be tailored to foster dialogue from the different perspectives of the clergy of different faiths.

Please consider this invitation by no later than Subat 16th.

your friend,

Jordan Clearcreek

// This will happen at 3PM EST, 12PM PST on Saturday the 18th


Dear Jordan Clearcreek,

I extend my gratitude for the invitation to the Metaphysical Roundtable. Although I may not be well-versed in the intricacies of such gatherings, I welcome the opportunity to engage in philosophical discourse. Your initiative to foster dialogue among representatives of various faiths is commendable, and I accept your invitation with an open heart and mind.

Please consider my participation confirmed for the upcoming event on Subat 16th. I look forward to the discussions and the exchange of perspectives.

With appreciation,
Farideh Goldbard
Waterbearer of the Weeping Mother

[An ashfolk, clad in modest white attire, approaches the Sandstone College with a carefully sealed letter in hand. With a respectful nod, the ashfolk hands the letter to a passing student, ensuring it reaches Jordan Clearcreek.]