A letter to the Garrison [DMs]

Started by Don Nadie, November 06, 2023, 08:27:40 AM

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Don Nadie

Dear Liutenants and Sergeants of the Sultan's Fourth Legion,

I hope this missive finds you well, your hearts ever-brimming with love of our dear Sultan. May He long sit in the comfort of His Sublime Throne, which is surely inlaid with all manner of precious stones, drapped in luxurious silks, and decorated with the most beautiful metals! Long may He reign over his many Suzeranties! Ever may his Sultanate cast its sheltering shadow over the Great Ash Desert! Etcetera!

The purpose of this missive, besides the praise above, is to encourage you to consider Soldier Arnock Reyer for the position of Sergeant. I imagine I am not the Legion's most trusted advisor, but perhaps that proves that Reyer is the man for the job: even I aprove of him. Plus, of your current crop, it is Reyer that has the combination of boldness and stubborness that will make him a successful Sergeant.

Having served with Reyer in the "Banana Bread" operation, I can attest his resilience, his dedication, and his desire to serve the Sultan and make the world better. He would die in a heartbeat for his duty, and live loyally until then.

Please, feel free to reach out should you need any further commendations of his character.

