Al-Sayaadin, The Rose of Crimson Sea

Started by Karwelas, November 03, 2023, 01:01:20 AM

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[This book is presented in a beautiful cover, no expense having been spared in its production - the picture and writing on the cover seem to be of the highest quality. The books seem to be regularly filled with more text and information - it is perhaps a chronicle.]

[Instead of a title page, there is a short poem. The ink - or perhaps blood, for the ink is so red that it is impossible to tell when it has been magically preserved. The poem is written with a sharp, steady and determined hand.]

In Ephia's Well, where Al-Sayaadin stands tall,
Fighting 'gainst orcans, they answer the call.
Amidst the sea of blood, like a rose they rise,
Flourishing from the fallen, in honor, they comprise.

Their cause, unwavering, their spirit is just,
In the face of adversity, in battles they trust.
Through the darkest of times, their valor does thrust,
A symbol of justice, in a world turned to dust.

[The remaining pages follow in normal format...]

In times long after my own, many may ask - what was Al-Sayaadin? What were its aims, who were its people? What it did to deserve to be remembered. And so I decided that I would be the one to write the story, and the people who charged and fought beside me, with or without Crimson Rose insignia on their cloaks or armour.

We are Al-Sayaadin, the rose that rises from Orc blood. We are the protectors of the Well, fighting the war against the Thousand Clans, led by Iakmes Ir-Emum, the Beloved. The Great Unifier. Chief of Chiefs. We challenge his claim to these lands and rise to face his lieutenants, to fight and meet on the battlefield, to prove our claim in blood or die trying.

May history look kindly upon us and remember our deeds, and may the generations to come gain rather than lose. Axe, be with us. Mother, be with us. Mage, be with us. Wroth, be with us.


These of Al-Sayaadin

Aurelio D'Lyon, Balladeer of Balladeers of the Lost Hearth, Vanguard Knight in service to B'aara and the Grandmaster, Founder of Al-Sayaadin.

Gospels bless'd word, sacred from the red font, we have heard. Gone are the years of woe, coming are those of plenty! Wrapped is the saviour, wreathed and riding against the rising sun! The Pilgrim comes! They are out there. It has been seen in sight-beyond-sight. The Pilgrim comes! - Aurelio about the holy Quest of Balladeers.

I came to know Aurelio as a man of steadfastness. His will might as well be made of steel or adamantium and wielded as a weapon instead of his gigantic broken sabre. His steadfast approach to the goals of his friends and companions, in both organisations, is a statement of his doing and his will. I sincerely hope that the world will remember him as he deserves. Perhaps one day he will be even more so, in the sands and ashes of this dying world. Perhaps, with people like him, there really is hope of paradise coming to this poor, broken world. There is always hope - and he is a testament to that hope.


Ast, of the Iron Banner, descendant of the line of High Kulkund, forsaken by his ancestors, Citizen-Captain of Al-Sayaadin

"I should not be remembered well. Write of shame I bring my ancestors and how I shall be judged by them when my time comes. I am the last of my line, following in the name of that who my kin deny - Coordum, The Murder." - Ast of the Iron banner about himself.

It is difficult for me to write about Ast - my knowledge of the dwarven culture of this world is limited, but I will not go against his wishes: what he wishes will be written about him, but I am allowed to have my own opinion. He is a great warrior, one of the most powerful I have ever had the opportunity to fight with, his fearsome axe cutting into the hearts and heads of orcs as if thirsty for their blood. Though a sort of guild and shame hangs over his head, I will not be one to judge him, for I am neither his kin nor his ancestor... but if I were, I would know that he was at least a great fighter who faced death with dignity. Live well and die better when your time comes, Captain.


Fergus Greaseglop, Veteran of Red Hill, gnome fighter

Fergus is a man well known in the Well, in my time. As one of the few to be Voiced and thus become a citizen of the city by virtue of his deeds, not his wealth, he is someone special in my eyes. It takes great will and even greater skill to fight in a battle where the Red Star fell from the sky and survive the hell that followed. I do not know him well personally, but I hope that will change in the future - I now see him as my comrade in arms. Together, may he be a veteran of many more battles to come...


Beatrice Margo, of Purple and Blue, female wizard

"I hope only to be an example of someone who did good for the Well - through example and through my ideas..."

I did not have the opportunity to get to know Beatrice in any way outside of our daily encounters on the streets of the city. She seems to be a happy person and has her own friends - which isn't something that all the people here can say. I hope to get to know her better during our bloody treks into the sand. But I will not lie about her power - her spells cut through enemies with a grace and power that rivals - or perhaps even surpasses - my own. I am not one to say that I am stronger than those I am not, but let the bodies of the orcs she has slain with her magic bear witness to her power. May we slay many more together...


Atticus Naros, wielder of Broken Sword

I am just a broken man, with broken weapon. That is all you need to truly know..." - Atticus among the ruins of Dunes of Rust.

Atticus, at the time of writing this first text in this book, you are an enigma to me. I have seen the great fire in you, the great urge to help others and make them better, even against their own will. I may be wrong, so forgive me for this opinion of mine. But I believe that for all you may think of yourself, for all the rust on your armour and your broken sword, you are more than that. You are a great man, even if you think of yourself as broken: for you are willing to stand to protect others. Know that history will judge us in its own way when the days of it come after us... I hope that their judgement of you will be more just than your own now, and that one day you and your sword will no longer be broken.

((If you wish to be added to the roster of the Book, find my character IC and ask them about it!))
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


The Forces of the Enemy

The fight against Al-Sayaadin focuses on taking the fight to our orcish enemies - the Thousand Clans - in their lands. Rampart Nursum, the infamous area near the Great Wall that shields the Ash Desert from the Deadlands, has been breached in several places. The entire region is under the control of various clans - before their unification, they were known to wage war against each other, but with the rise of Iakemes, this hope for our peace has been shattered. While there may still be some who resist his rule, it is only a matter of time before he gathers a true army - so we must weaken him while we can.

Our methods include attacking their patrols and clan strongholds, and slaughtering the lieutenants, the leaders Iakemes has appointed to lead the clan squads. All of these orcs are partially immune to fire and prone to use it - remember that! Their troops are divided into different formations based on their experience, skill and respect within the clan:

- The weakest are known as "The Unproven", young and inexperienced orcs who have yet to see the true battlefields and carnage. Despite this, they are more than a match for the average civilian, and in large numbers they can cause trouble for any type of warrior if they decide to venture out on their own. However, they do not require any special tactics to defeat and are the most likely of the Thousand Clan Orcs to retreat.

- The core of Thousand Clans are three types of warriors: "Cohorts, Chargers and Ragers". These three types of melee fighters are powerful enough to take on experienced mercenaries one-on-one and not back down... and rarely will they be alone. They are taught to work together, shielding the more important and weaker members of their squads. Chargers, as their name suggests, are the main charging infantry, while Ragers are their main shock troops - very dangerous when faced unprepared. There also are infamous archers among them - they tend to use poisonous arrows and are able to make a cushion pillow out of anyone not warded against that.

- The "Bloodletters" are very powerful and the first of an elite breed of orcs. Their attacks can kill weaker fighters in a single blow, especially if they are caught unaware. They are sometimes placed in charge of Rager squads, and not without reason - few can stand up to such a foe in full rage, especially in one-on-one combat. Their weapons of choice tend to be large ones, perfectly designed to crush their enemies. Fortunately, they are not very well armoured and are quite vulnerable to some types of spellcasting.

- The Blood Poets are Thousand Clans skalds who sing the songs of famous champions and chieftains, strengthening their clanmates and making their enemies weep. They are very dangerous, as they know some forms of spellcasting and bardic songs. They should be eliminated as soon as possible, as they are likely to strengthen their allies. Distracting them from doing so should be a basic task of any kind of distant combatant Al-Sayaadin.

- The Warlocks are an extremely dangerous and powerful formation of spellcasting orcs who, due to their ability to dispel beneficial spells, pose one of the greatest dangers to anyone on the battlefield who dares to face the Thousand Clans. They are known to do this from a great distance, then follow up with a barrage of fireballs sent straight into the enemy ranks. Some of them wield the power of negative arcane energy, which can be used to weaken and drain life force.

- The War Prophets are their mythics, and some even say Clerics of the Axe. Their power is known to all who have faced them, and let me tell you - I still feel the fear in my chest when I think of facing one of them. Their divine blessings can turn any weakling into a champion, and they are not afraid to speak in the name of the Axe and raise their weapons against us - after all, the Axe wants war. As such, it is confirmed to get rid of them as soon as physically possible, or hold out until the situation changes. They are usually encountered in true war parties, and if you see one, you can be sure you are in trouble.

- The Whisperers are source of fear for anyone who fights with Thousand Clans, whether they are first line, second line, mage, cleric or fighter. The reason is simple - these orcs are trained assassins. Think of them as weaklings who can only stab once and flee? Wrong, deadly wrong. They are as powerful as some of the core forces, and their skill with pikes is astounding. I have seen one of their weapons with my own eyes and believe me, in the right hands they are powerful and deadly. Beware and always warn your comrades if you see one!

- The Behemoths are probably one of the deadliest creatures I have ever seen. These giant orcs, or a cross between orcs and ogres, twisted by some sort of magic, stand at least twice as tall as a man and wield weapons that would crush a normal man under their weight. These things are not to be encountered in large groups unless you are forced to - believe me, their appearance is not just for show. They can easily kill even the most prepared: use TACTICS when facing them. If you have to, focus on them and kill them as quickly as possible after eliminating the enemy casters.

- And finally, their leaders: Legates and Champions. These orcs are commanders and truly terrifying foes to face. They are not to be encountered out of the blue - if you see one, know that you are about to face an entire clan, if not more. Know that these are our targets - by killing them we weaken the enemy. If we kill a clan leader, we scatter them: those without a clan will be seen as weaklings and stragglers for allowing their champions to be killed. As such, they are disorganised and much less dangerous.

Some general tips when facing Thousand Clans are as follows:
- ALWAYS prepare. Bring blurring potions and spells, elemental wards and anything else you can think of, especially if you are laying siege to one of their strongholds.
- Remember to WARD YOURSELF first. Your companions have their own lives to worry about, so it is your primary responsibility - if you are in the backline, heal the shield wall and the melee fighters. Always make sure you have at least one or two melee fighters on your back in case you have to fight Whisperers. They are the bane of Al-Sayaadin supporters.
- Do not rush in, at least you will be doing your own funeral. Don't pick fights you can't win. Orcs are honourable creatures - try a duel if you need a way out or to buy some time. If all else fails, die well.
- Do not use fire against them. It is a waste of a spell, and such a waste can cost you or your companions their lives.
- Be logical, be quick, be pragmatic - do not stay in Rampart longer than you have to. It is their land, not yours. Respect that.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.