The Government of Ephia's Well, directory

Started by Fabulous Secret Powers, October 19, 2023, 06:47:02 PM

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Fabulous Secret Powers

The Government of Ephia's Well

First Seat

Legate Ahmet Yildirim, of the League of White

Prelate Asherias Myl

Magistrates -


Second Seat

Legate Argent Argyris, of the League of Gold

Prelate Dante Moretti

Magistrates Aeronwy Caddick and Katya Belyaeva



Arymathras al-Almadel

Palatial Physician

Fiordelise Foscari

Palatial Architect

Zalthar Stonefield

Expeditionary Captain

Mirielle Rosseau

Hakem of the Wheel

Nesilhan bint-Zuhal


Scribes of the Sublime Garden

Office of Current Affairs

Deputy Chief Scribe Bashir Khatara

Office of Advertisement

Scribe Jaecop de Clercq

Office of Judicial Advocacy

Scribe Ekmel Fonzuvi

Scribes with Assorted Duties

Junior Scribe Abdul Qaadir Ibn Rashid

Yellow Directory of Government Personnel
Chief Administrative Officer of the Scribes of the Sublime Garden
Chief Scribe Frederica Ashbury

License Administration
Scribe Maddicus Abalom

Hall of Jurisprudence
Magistrate Zenia Elamadi

Magistrate Armaudi Kavat

Magistrate Quarggle Kleene

Scribe Samael Tavitkh

Office of Announcements
Scribe Kulam Kulan

Scribe Aludra Gazeel

Office of Customs
Customs Officer Catherine Catts

Scribe Olso Mulg

Dreetha, Official of the Assembly of Ephia's Well

Office of Minor Nuisances
Sub-Official Jinah

Assistant Sub-Official Emilia

Assistant Ignatius Ferryweather, Esq.

Entomologist Adir Ashvak

Office of Property Administration
Scribe Hashir ibn Hashir

Office of Voiced Affairs
Scribe Ludwig Harforth

Ambassador's Rest, Embassy Floor
Scribe Samantha Ashbury

Caravan Attendant Silhar al-Zarib

The Maqam
Preparator Ivraine

Offices of Particular Import
Scribe Io Uzabi

Water Department
Water Supervisor Melim al-Ramin

Scribe Silton Gaverwell

Assorted Tasks
Scribe Martin Ashbury

Scribe Adira Salaem

Scribe Mura al-Rous

// the yellow directory consists of NPCs, who require DMs for interaction.