A Waradim Parable

Started by Ashwrought, September 29, 2023, 09:05:14 PM

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[A transcript of a sermon upon the Palm Heights]

There is a parable, told in Baz'eel, of Aghil Al-Amin, on the nature of wandering.

Aghil, a most wealthy philospher, was known to travel all the known land, venturing beyond the old Ring Walls and back.

At a gathering of philosophers and nobles of Baz'eel, Aghil was heard to brag, that he had visited every city and village this side of the mountains.

"And what was the path like" His adoring public asked, and Aghil frowned.

"I am not sure. I spent the trip within my curtained palanquin, and my bearers walked most smoothly"

After that, the crowd lost interest, and Aghil grew irate, and left Baz'eel that day, walking the roads to Qa'im, the first such trip he made upon his own feet.

Tired and spent, the philospher spent the next day at the Summer Palace, walking among the great art collections of that now lost place, returning home to Baz'eel the day after.

"I have walked the road to Qa'im, my friends" he told the gathering. There, they mostly nodded, for few could afford to be carried, and had walked that road many times.

"And while there, I saw every single piece of Art within the Palace." This new declaration drew attention.

"And which piece was your favorite? What great emotions did they bring forth?" They asked.

"I am not sure" Aghil frowned, "I was most tired, and had to hurry to see every piece. I could not linger to examine them" And his crowd was lost again, as they discussed their favorites of the gathered art pieces.

Irate once more, Aghil left Baz'eel once more; this time without purpose, but to arrange his thoughts. And there, he met a great tortoise.

"Why were they not impressed?" He asked of it. "I have been to more places than all of them. I have seen every piece of art that a thousand collectors could spend a lifetime studying! Why did I bother wandering, then!"

The tortoise shook its head, taking its time to eat of the verdant grass around them.

"You're right" Aghil told the tortoise. "Why DID I wander? To impress those that didn't travel with me?" And the pair were silent, as the philospher thought, and thought. And then, returned to his home in Baz'eel.

Aghil Al-Amin never left Baz'eel again, after that. Instead, he took to him home, and looked, truly and deeply for the first time. He explored not new locales, but the most familiar one, and yet, the one he never knew.

These days, paintings by Master Al-Amin are considered priceless masterworks; Only fifty works, each of a different building in Baz'eel. Rendered so truly as to reflect the time of their painter.

And so Warad calls to us; to seek depth in our travels. To know our land to its bones, and not the shallowest sweeping of sand. To travel for your own sake, and not the call of others.

I call on you, to reflect upon your own Journey, and its reasons. Consider where it has brought you, and if it fulfills you.