The Fourth Legion of the Sultan's Janissaries

Started by Moonlighter, September 28, 2023, 09:25:54 PM

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QuoteInvoice Number: TBR-2023-2801
Invoice Date: Tesrin Hray 28 7787

Bill To:
The IVth Legion of the Sultan's Janissaries, "The Misfortune"
Legion Garrison, Ephia's Well

Description of Service
Service: Removal of a disembodied head left in the Krak des Roses
Client: The Sultan's Fourth Legion of the Janissaries
Quantity: 1
Unit Price: 1000 of the Sultan's Finest, Precious Golden Dinar
Total Amount: 1000 of the Sultan's Finest, Precious Golden Dinar

Payment Details:
Balance: 650 DNR
Balance Due Date: Tesrin Hray 30 7787
Payment Method: DNR
Additional Information: Soldier Ferric Aseph has made a payment of 350 DNR on Tesrin Hray 28, 7787.

This invoice is issued for the professional service of removing a disembodied head from the Krak des Roses as left by the Sultan's Fourth Legion of Janissaries during a murder that happened on our property.

Payment is due by the specified due date.

Late payment will incur additional charges, fees and penalties.
Please refer to the invoice number when making your payment.
For any inquiries or disputes regarding this invoice, please contact Balestriere Mirielle Rosseau, care of the Krak des Roses.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We appreciate your cooperation.

Balestriere Mirielle Rosseau
La Banda Rossa