[To Legate Domhnall Judicael Guivarch]

Started by Xenoboskion, September 18, 2023, 08:24:39 PM

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Most honoured Legate, and bearer of the hopes of the many, Domhnall, friend:

Allow me to offer you my heartfelt congratulations upon your victory in the recent elections. You are, o Legate, the choice of the people, and the agent of the General Will, however infant in its self-conception. And thus, the gaze of your electors, of your opponents, of the enemies of the state, of the masters of the Terrace, and of the very gods, in one stroke, for which I do not doubt your spirit has made you ready, fall upon you.

It is without surprise that I join them in bearing witness to your remarkable success, and the unprecedented width of the acclaim that hailed it. For vivid still is my recollection of that first conversation of ours in the Palm Heights. I see in you now the beginning of the realization of the potential that I saw in you then. The ambition. The burning desire to save whatever there remains to save in this world. The unshaken belief that the wretched of the ash, the survivors of the storm, can be more, must be more, and will be more than they are allowed to be now.

I said then, Legate, that, by the wheel of these determinations driven, you are destined to do great things, and I was not mistaken.

On behalf of myself and my sisters, therefore, who have prayed for you, I now praise you, and urge you on to do all that which remains for your hands to do, and to build all that which remains for your eyes to see. And I enjoin you, Gyrfalcon Legate, with all expectancy, never to forsake those refugees who are, and shall remain always, the custodians of our conscience, and whose fate is the scales upon which all our hearts are weighed.

Allow me, also, friend Domhnall, to commend you upon the remarkable work that is The Clouds Burst, the which at long last I have gained and availed myself of the opportunity to read. It is a work full of fascinating notions. It has engendered in me a number of questions, which I should be most pleased and most honoured to put to you in person, should your solemn duties, and your no doubt crowded schedule, perchance allow.

Regardless of all this, Legate, live and drink, under clear and watchful skies.

Nebtu Xenolyta
18 Tesrin Hray 87


Nebtu Xenolyta,

It is my great pleasure to recieve your correspondance and your firm vote of support. It is my hope that we might transform our worlds from idle, frozen speech into actions, to make praxis of theory.

I would be delighted to enjoy your company in the Palace.

Redemption! Redemption!