A letter to the League of White [Domhnall]

Started by Don Nadie, September 08, 2023, 08:02:34 AM

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Don Nadie

My dear friend,

I have been perusing, chatting, and examining the list of the Voiced... As much as the rest of my duties allows. These have been trying days, but I haven't forgotten about you.

I may have a few pointers and indications to give, as well as a few options. Currently, per my counting, candidate Boops may be in the lead. But it is nothing that can't be turned arround, I hope, with effort and persuasion.

The loss of Scholar Zi is a great burden. He was a sagely man, whose words I believed would sway many to the cause of the Lillies. As things stand, we shall have to work hard, and hope for the best.

As ever, yours,




Your concern and investment are welcomed. I would appreciate a clarification of your analysis, which seems to disagree with my own. I might also appreciate the service of yourself and Aubrey in unifiying the Rose vote beneath the Lily, as Aubrey unified it beneath the Violet in the previous season.

Please send me a list of prominent figures You believe I might swing. My time is very short this election, so it must be focused.


\\Forum PM or Discord DM are both good ways to reach me with confidential stuff
Redemption! Redemption!

Don Nadie

My dear friend,

Here's my own list. Perhaps I'm being overly pessimistic in my assessment, it is likely you have the ear closer to the ground than I. Still, some people I have marked as particularly relevant.

I'll try to secure the undecided voters of the Rose, then start testing the waters of the Banda.



[The letter is accompanied by another smaller, sealed letter.]

Don Nadie

[Another little, sealed letter, arrives at the League.]

Don Nadie

My dear friend,

I have been approached repeatedly by seƱor Bootpolisher in regards to your protection contract. I sought to speak to you on the matter, but since our schedules aren't too aligned, letters will have to do. Do you think it wise to hire the Banda Rossa as bodyguards? If so, I shall put aside my endless qualms, and pay him. I have also managed to mobilize a few funds, so I have some liquidity if the League needs coin.

I'm also taking the liberty of charging you the unreasonable price of one dinari for a jingle praising your candidacy. Please, make sure to gather such gran sum and deliver it to me next we meet, lest I be forced to resort to the judiciary!





Despite my issues with the Banda Rossa, I cannot rely upon the Fourth to protect me, not afford to go unprotected. While the College has been instructed to help me, the enthusiasm with which many of its members take to that task is... disappointing, to me. You have worked dilligently, but there seems to be a lack of animating spirit among the many petals of the Rose. Consequently I feel it advisable to take up additional insurance.

As for the jingle, consider it paid. I will provide you with those funds soon. I will meet you soon to exchange the stiff sum, and perhaps we could spend some time together to talk about life.

Redemption! Redemption!

Don Nadie

My dear friend,

I am sorry you are dissapointed with the dedication of my colleagues. Few of them are as bound by ideals to the League of White - or have the inclination for politics. At least, so far it seems all are more than willing to support you. I am a tad concerned hearing, from the Sergeant Radislav, that "Aubrey and I" have made deals with you. I hope you know that, no matter what she says, my vote is not for sale. And I refuse to use my vote as a bargaining chip for one position or another.

I shall speak with Connor and get some protection, then. With some luck I can... Sell some items or somesuch for it. I'll find a way.

As for meeting... I'm already looking forward to it.



Don Nadie

Don Nadie

My dear friend,

I wish I had been able to congratulate you in person. To see the whole ceremony. It was a trying afternoon, for a variety of reasons. But still, seeing you in the White Toga brought tears to my eyes.

Sorry if we interrupted afterwards. I was not aware you were still in the meeting, much less that the Consulate was there. I was, admittedly, fuming. I dislike it when my attempts at being diplomatic are met with a list of threats. Rudeness doesn't help, either. But you are, I believe, familiar both with these situations and with the ensuing feelings.

I hope we'll be able to meet soon, cheer to your Legateship and chat about this and that. It is nice to imagine there'll be time for such things, rather than being trapped in an endless barrage of meetings within meetings and politics within politics.

