A letter to the Tower [Mae Stern]

Started by Don Nadie, September 05, 2023, 10:32:06 AM

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Don Nadie

My friend,

I don't think we've actually had a chance to speak since you took the Cure. Perhaps we should give ourselves a bit of a moment to catch up? I could get some drinks and we could go to the roof of Elossi's. I have recently discovered the joys of taking an afternoon off, so we could even promise ourselves not to talk shop and discuss, instead, poetry.

I'd love to hear what you're working on.



Don Nadie


It was nice meeting you in private. I just wanted to say it, again.

Remember my Tale, and my advice. Do not wither yourself, no matter what you think... The future /can/ and /should/ be brighter. And if we give up our hearts, we may as well surrender to Qa'im.



PD: I still cannot believe your Nadiri simply glided arround through walls. What even goes in this tower of yours?!