Letter to Grandmaster Elizabetha d'avergne /DM

Started by I love cats, September 04, 2023, 08:07:15 AM

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I love cats

Dear Grandmaster Elizabetha d'avergne

I am a lowly recluta worth less than the camel dung sold to pelt people in the stocks. However I have seen an issue with some of your recent students at your college of the Balladeers that startles me. I see them wearing the battered uniforms of Orentid soldiers. Battered by the boots of the Banda Rossa and the original knights of the Cinqouefoil Rose and yourself stomping upon their corpses after putting these Orentid bastards to the sword to take the well. We of the Cinquefoil Rose should be the last people in Ephia's well to wear the uniforms of the late Queen Ibthial's men. We are your troops not the troops of Orentes. While I would normally take this concern to your Balladeers these students have wore these uniforms in the pressence of your Balladeers without any discipline or reprimanding.

It would be extremely unfortunate if one of your men were to be mistaken for an Orentid Soldier with a stolen rose cloak prancing around in proudly in a uniform issued by none other than the late General ar-Parus to any available Orentid man. Men of the Cinquefoil Rose need not wear the uniform of defeated foes so many years after this war.

-Recluta Connor Bootpolisher