Letter to Legate Marcellus

Started by I love cats, August 30, 2023, 11:03:33 AM

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I love cats

Quote from: I love cats on August 30, 2023, 10:47:44 AMWith the recent development of Bafansi pledging to Qa"im it is time for Ephia's Well to expand. One of the few things both purple and gold agree on.  I say let the Banda Rosa or the Sultan's legion claim the caravan camp and have the rights to add a tax upon the caravans and or adventurers using them. If Bafansi invades such is an excellent place to raid upon landing.Furthermore it is near the Osman Canal and the path to Baz'eel itself. It would mean the forces of the well could respond to an invasion. There is no need to leave this place barren.

Another clear point if they are to invade us Bafansi would land in Qadira. Our relations with Qadira are not the best. Having spoke with their diplomat in the past and having gone there I can say that me having brutalized the legion will be a bonus. Banda Rossa's many victories over the Sultan's legions makes us more ideal than anyone to negotiate with Qadira. Given our companies past experience with sailing we could recruit other pirates and actually form a presence and navy of our own. I can say for certain it is unlikely the ruler of Qadira would allow the legion to form a presence. We need another city state to not fall for the influence of Qa"im if Bafansi has a port to land  they can simply cross over. We must not let Qadira turn in Qa"im's favor If we are to conduct naval warfare against Bafansi the port of Qadira would be ideal. I believe Balestire Rousseau would be an ideal diplomatic envoy with her tact and intelligence and I can be her guard. A presence is needed in Qadira regardless for any possible covert operations in Bafansi.

-Recluta Connor Bootpolisher


Recluta Connor Bootpolisher

 There are many things to consider regarding Qadira, Banafsi and Qa'im. I am pondering many options, but none of which I can act upon just yet, because the situation is ever changing.

Furthermore, there are always internal matters to consider. The Fourth Legion lacks the manpower to extend its control and protection over a greater area. The Banda Rossa is primarily under contract with the Grandmaster, so I cannot tell whether it would be in our power to outbid the Grandmaster, and dispatch your people elsewhere. As far as I know, the Banda Rossa is smaller in size, compared to the Legion, as well, and your own protections extend to the Krak and the Gate of Roses. You are capable of attacking and performing many other works because your resources are not stretched thin. Who knows what would happen, or whether you Capitana would be pleased, if suddenly you would find yourself unable to do anything else but remain on the defensive.

Many things are still being considered, so I am not dismissing any possibility, but I am also holding back on my draw.

Legate Marcellus Saenus