A letter from the Pile: Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine (PC/DM)

Started by WriterX, August 26, 2023, 03:09:05 PM

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Acolytes, Sisters, Abbess of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine,

 Ever since your successful resolving of the Plague I have been hoping to hear more of your ongoing ambitions, especially if the Pyramid could aid you in some way to see them through. I know there will always be points of contention, regarding certain topics and objects, not with us, but with other members of the Accord, but I would wish to know what your upcoming works may be, or what you hope to achieve.

 I will gladly hear your written words, or discuss some of your projects in person. While naturally there are certain dark things above us at this time, we ought also look forward.

Legate Marcellus Saenus


Honoured Legate of Ephia's Well, most accomplished Marcellus,

Live and drink.

We are honoured by your outreach, and uplifted by your attention. It is my privilege to pen this response to your considerate letter.

The Sisterhood, having no ambition, nurtures simply the desire, as it has ever, to study in peace the prophecies of the Oracle Selene, and, as regards the temporal sphere, to interfere as little as possible in the affairs of Ephia's Well, and to contribute however we can, within our meagre means, to the peace and welfare that we all share in common, and which you, among all compatriots, have done so much to secure.

Curing the plague of Stern's Disease was for us merely a matter of duty, and not one which we vaingloriously sought, but one which we took up only after it became clear to us that others were unwilling or incapable of helping. You may, honoured Legate, rest assured that we will always perform such duty to our common home, when we are called upon, and find it within our power, to do so.

I will note only that the Priory of the Sibylline Vine has always sought to offer care and aid for the refugees, which continue to flock to our gates in these waning days of the world. And if we shall ask of you only one thing, Legate Marcellus, let it be this:

Always seek to do what you can for those who, having lost everything, and lost everyone, to the ash and to the end, come, as so many of us have, to Ephia's Well, in search of refuge.

We continue to pray, Legate, for your good health, for your high spirits, and for your success in all things.

Nebtu, Acolyte of the Sibylline Sisterhood
Iistu, Fourth Tesrin Hray, IY 7787