A letter to the Grand Academy of Baz'eel [DM]

Started by WriterX, August 21, 2023, 07:01:22 AM

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To whom it may concern,

 I am Legate Marcellus Saenus, of Ephia's Well. I am in need of information, tomes or notes regarding a very specific time in the Caliphate's History.

 The query is regarding Osman IV, the Sealbreaker as well as the subsequent Centuries of Thirst. Of particular note would be any texts that speak of the horrors that stalked the land during the Centuries of Thirst, and any material referencing Osman's title, the Sealbreaker. Its origin, and claims to it, anything at all. As well as any materials that would mention what may have been the cause of the end of the Centuries of Thirst.

 I will await any news if such texts exist, and could be shared, in copy form, with myself.

Live and Drink,

Legate Marcellus Saenus
Of Ephia's Well



Your letter has been received and has been forwarded to the relevant members of the faculty. No additional action is required of you at this time.

Haz al-Haz
Dean of Philosophy and Letters


Honoured Legate,

Many thanks for your thought-provoking inquiry. May I say that it has been most edifying for we here in the Academy that a fellow-scholar has risen so high within the satrapy.

I am afraid to say that much information about the reign of Osman the Fourth was lost amidst the Harrowing. It is said here in the Academy that Baz'eel has forgotten more than the rest of the Disc has ever known - for this period, this is verily the case. Nonetheless, I shall attempt to elucidate what I can, and make no pronunciation upon what I cannot.

Few moments in our history, save for the terrible Harrowing, are so occluded by misunderstanding and confusion as this period. Many shall claim the Centuries were an utterly destitute era, when fear reigned o'er the Caliphate and none could sleep soundly in their beds. Others point to it as a Golden Age, in which the Successor's Court of the great Vahd presided over a period of enlightenment and knowledge, and that dark memories of that time are, in effect, propaganda disseminated by the Sultanate. There is a small faction of enlightened figures who claim that the so-called Centuries did not occur at all, and that this appellation was an invention of latter-day historians. Upon this matter I shall remain silent, save to clarify what has been said by others.

Of that Osman IV himself, I can say precious little. He was an ill-formed ruler, who was much disposed to Games and the culinary pleasures. His reign, from what we know, was marked by repeated losses to the Thousand Clans and the fortification of Caliphal cities in response. He was known as 'Seal-Breaker' owing to his regular ablutions, which allegedly resulted from an over-fondness for Red Alkabi Khamr. He died, it is said, of choking after attempting to stuff a chicken leg into his mouth wholesale, although you will not read of this in the official chronicles.

At any rate, my dear Legate, I hope these few scribblings have been somewhat enlightening for you. Do come and visit us. I am certain we should have a most entertaining exchange.

Your humble servant,

Afez al-Marrabat,
Seventh Muarakh of the Minor Chronicles
Great Academy,


You shall, I am certain, be familiar with the various folk-tales and hakawati-lays which refer to the so-called 'Devils of Thirst', or 'Tormented', who stalked the Yalis of the notables in the night, and wrought terror in the Gardens of the Summer Palace.

I shall tell you now to put no stock in these legends. They are merely tales for children, ghoulish though they may be.

yours, A.A.M

i walked one morning to the fair