Letter to the Fourth Legion

Started by WriterX, August 19, 2023, 03:35:08 PM

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Brave Men and Women of the Fourth Legion,

 I sadly write on an important matter. I was informed, a few days ago, that some among the Fourth have taken to skipping the need to call for a Legate or a Magistrate to resolve the matter of Serious Crimes. I would wish to underline that while a Janissary officer may issue a judgment if no Legate or Magistrate is available the first step ought to be a call for a Legate or Magistrate.

 As such, I would request the following procedure be implemented; If somebody is caught or arrested for committing a serious Offense they ought to be kept in holding for a period of one hour, and a call for a Magistrate or Legate sounded. If neither arrives within that time frame, or if it is clear neither can arrive in that amount of time, then we may have a Janissary Officer perform the necessary subsequent actions.

 I understand that sometimes we are pressed for time, but Serious Crimes should call for an appropriate official to resolve them.

 If you have issues or qualms about this, or perhaps further questions regarding this procedure, please inform me.

Legate Marcellus Saenus