To the Balladeers of the Lost Hearth (PC)

Started by sweet mage, August 13, 2023, 05:03:21 PM

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sweet mage

I apologize for the anonymous letter but it's important I don't lose my job here at the Garrison!

There is a culture war coming for the heart of our League. Domhnall Guivarch is not your friend and wants to diminish the power of everyone in the Accord, including you!

He aims to create a theocratic dictatorship populated with slavishly loyal Wheel-extremists where it will be illegal to even speak ill of a priest.

Can you imagine it? Amenya, Mari and Khalid completely above reproach and the LAW?

As a Janissary, I hate this, and implore you to think long and hard about whether you want this future for the Well!

Your friend in Green


My green friend Verid,

The Lost Hearth are ever paragons of discretion when it comes to matters of gravity and import. Sometimes it is the loudest actors making the most subtle maneuvers!

Come find me at the College.

  -- Aubrey Domergue