Gold Campaign Politics

Started by Random_White_Guy, August 11, 2023, 05:07:46 PM

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Over the relatively tame petitioning process, flyers and small speeches shared on many topic. Outside the PIlgrim, in the Krak, and uniquely enough - predominately in the Soot Lamp hosting small Salon. Four main points seem to come from every engagement thus far, though no doubt more to come as the Campaigns develop.

"A New Twin City: Step away from the Ka'eshan Model"
QuoteEphia must rise not as a colonial power, but as a true ally of Baz'eel. Where as Qa'im once stood, Ephia ought rise to become a new Twin City. Steps must begin towards autonomous rule that Ephia may learn to stand on its own, a true and firm ally of the Sultanate.

Furthermore we must step away from the Ka'eshan model of a Mercenary Economy. We have the Torchbearers, the Alchemists Guild, the Trade and Labor Guild, and so many others. We must give more to Ministers of Ephia, to become builders, growers, tenders as Kula herself.

We must find new incentives beyond this fallacy of "More of the Allotment". For that only creates a further dependency. They must begin to Stand alone.

"Let the Experiment Breathe"
QuoteThe situation of Ephia can be drawn to a singular line - For any problem, the Pyramid is sought. When the Accord is woed they demand Dinars from the Pyramid rather than their own industrious efforts, loans from the Sublime Bank, the Leagues, or otherwise. When the Citizenry are woed they demand time and solution of the Legates, of the Janissaries. For a place that has so much potential the Assembly is abysmally placid.

Experiments are easily conducted when there is catalyst but without allowing it to boil on the flame, to allow it to simmer, to allow it to breathe it becomes suffocated. All too many have become reliant upon Baz'eel's influence and the Pyramid, then are so swift to blame Baz'eel and the Pyramid, then so swift to demand of Baz'eel and the Pyramid anew.

We must stop acting like a Colony, if we wish to be treated as more. Seek the Guilds, seek the Voiced, seek Solution. The Voiced must embrace their role as Catalyst in the experiment and push for matters beyond Election cycle.

"The Accord must Find its Voice"
QuoteWhile I confess my first perceptions of the Accord and their role in the grand experiment were skewed, in the subsequent days I have been fortunate to learn more. They have such designated roles and they tend those roles well - but when shall they have chance to truly flourish?

They are experts in their fields, their crafts, their pursuits. Why is there such a fear for them to step forward on matters?

They are given Voice for a reason, and we must encourage them to use such. Where are the changes pushed for by the Officers beyond Allotment? Where are the professional insights, the expertise brought to each Assembly in which the Voiced who are also of the Accord move Ephia towards a betterment?

Why does not a Balestriere bring forward proposal for new avenues of contract?
Why does not a Sergeant bring forward new jurisprudence proposals?
Why does not an Apothar bring forward new legislation to expand their research?

How can the Voiced of the Accord do more for Assembly? For Ephia?

They seem to spend their time in Allotment debate, then simply take to the back of institutional matters, distant. They hold Voice too. They ought use it more. To empower the Assembly.

"The Workhouse"
QuoteBateu the Blind has shared many of the younger refugees who are not taken by the Sisters, the young boys and young men predominately, fall in with gangs of the Creep and more. To this end the Gold League must establish a Workhouse and regardless of how I fare in Election there will be a concerted effort moving forward.

A place a young man may secure a Wage, may secure a Meal, and may secure a Roof for a good day's labor is simply imperative. But true to my other policies I will not be demanding the Pyramid give me funds for such, I will not demand the Assembly "Parse the Allotment".

I shall raise it myself, leading by example.

Why can the youthful not aid in transcribing Torchbearer maps?
Why can the youthful not aid in assembling Astronomer machinery?
Why can the youthful not aid in mixing simpler Alchemist Guild supply?
Why can the Youthful not aid in bottling Watter for shipments outwards?

These life skills, these Apprenticeships, can push onward to a brighter future for themselves and Ephia alike.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


In the wake of the debates and more, covered Here, the last few days of policy announcements and some new additions begin to circulate from the Gold League Office.

"On Wrothstele
The people of Ephia's well suffer, the refugees suffer, all of the Wasteland suffers. It is not a time for silence, a time for pleasantry, it is a time for Catharsis. I would endeavor to see Wroth raised upon the Stele that those so woed may find their due justice. That the patron whose statue sits within the Fourth Legion's Garrison is given due respect and we return to a realm of law, of justice. Where atrocities are not lauded as victory, and the wronged may find peace.

"On the Scribes
In my speaking with the Scribes two things are apparent. Firstly that it is unacceptable that a Scribe that serves dutifully must pay for their own citizenship, while sellswords and more are bestowed such by accord. We must be better, and encourage our peoples to serve.

Secondly it is told that neither Legate utilizes the Scribes. There is very little if any delegation, very little if any bestowing of duties, or worst of all a slacking of trust to be involved in higher affairs of State. Who, if any, can we trust more than the Sublime Garden? I would see the Scribes given a broadened mandate but so too a broadened reward for satisfying such

"On Qa'im"
The Legates have concealed that the Usurper is on the move. A horrifying terror of which leaps from the pages of my very own broadsheet. They will grind the people of Ephia into meat paste and re-constitute in the fevered dreams of broken minds. How many days have they held the Fortress upon our border? Weeks? How much has been done? How much can be done? So many questions, so much kept from us, so much obfuscation.

Such a thing is unacceptable. We must do more, and those in power must be more transparent. Howling such at the debates was most embarrassing for Legate Marcellus and Legate Qari. The Astronomers have lost precious days to begin Qa'immish counter-measures, La Banda Rossa could have been scouting our borders, and more.

Instead - they sat idle, as the Legates left them so. For shame.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips