Odd BO glitch

Started by The Old Hack, January 25, 2014, 07:15:54 AM

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The Old Hack

So, I had just gotten myself stupidly sent into bleeding by an obelisk when someone hostile to me decided to Blackout me while I was in the negatives. This triggered a very odd glitch where I kept getting teleported from Fugue to BO room to Fugue to BO room ad infinitam, ad nauseam... literally, I was getting nauseous! >.<

Thankfully, BOM was at hand and mercy killed me. I suspect it is a bad idea to attempt BO on people who are bleeding to death -- don't do it until this is fixed!

John Doe

... if you subdue a target who is bleeding, it will kill him also. That is the idea of it at least.. to prevent people from abusing BO, Subdual etc. to help someone recover from negative HP.

The Old Hack

That is all very fine and good except it is not working as intended -- it sent me into the endless loop I described above! If it is changed so it kills you properly instead, I certainly won't object, I am just saying that until it is, don't do it!


That loop happens because you are trying to be in two places at once and its not specifically related to this.

You can achieve the same loop by clicking instant-teleport placable doorways which move to the same area really quickly, it sticks you in a back and forward loop between two places because the game is saying that you're both here and there.

Re-logging in fixes the bug.