In the Margins of a Wizard's Tome

Started by yaaaaay, August 01, 2023, 01:57:01 PM

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Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Identify

Anais only one who ever asked.

Forced it, even.

Because she was good friend?

Or asshole?

Doesn't matter.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Cloud of Bewilderment

"It is not personal."

When said, initial reaction is feeling insulted. Feels personal. But they're right. Those who say "it is not personal" work for greater things. Faction. League. Higher ranked superiors. Instruments without agency. Spokes of wheel.

Duty to a sworn oath. Duty to follow orders. Never swore an oath, joined Purple of own volition, just started acting like one of them. How different my decisions from an oath? Can leave any time. Can others?

Engida's tale lead to realization that agency lacking for many. Even if they deny it. Promises made have long lasting effects.

Need be careful. Don't be tempted by things not being personal. The saying won't be enough to calm everyone.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Dread Seizure

Already exhausted.

No surprise three week old plans fell apart. Flexibility, adaptability as important as forethought--maybe more. Especially in chaos, disorganization.

Conflicted if worth running. Others have strengths; vice versa: weaknesses.

Sephidra: Seeing her work, admiration grown tenfold. But polarizing with Astronomers, Janissaries.

Hu: Heart. Earnest. Honest. Best things to say of a person. Best things maybe not enough.

Hamdan: Eh.

Seeing Lady Shabani's signature surprisingly overwhelming. Pride? Accomplishment? Not first time but feels different. Makes running feel worth it.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Wall of Ice

Realization: elections unpleasant. Campaigning unpleasant. Contrarians unpleasant.

Still want to be Legate. One day. But path to getting there hellish.

Relieved when Sephidra won the primary; didn't have to suffer being candidate again.

Role and purpose in question. Talking, working with Sephidra has been enjoyable. Not preferred, not ideal, but still feels productive.

Don't need be at the top to get things done.