In the Margins of a Wizard's Tome

Started by yaaaaay, August 01, 2023, 01:57:01 PM

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Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Electric Jolt

Categorize lightning under the element of fire? It burns like fire. Or does it feel like it burning because pain sensation is intense burning by default? Maybe lightning its own element?

Reorient for new perspective: element determined by source. Rules out fire. Evocation of lightning generated by surrounding air. Air generates lightning when threshold of agitation is reached. Surpassed. The greater the aggrovocation suffered by the air the greater the ouch output of the lightning.

Make the air angry. Stronger jolts made by angrier air. Angier air equals angrier lightning equals angrier damage equals angrier pain.

Lightning sub-part of element of air. Lack of air also inflicts damage and ouches. Hold breath for long and lungs start to burn. Drowning does not feel wet.

Why is pain burning???


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Shelgarn's Permanent Blade

Friend maker.

"Animated" not right word? Doesn't move itself, but force applicadoed from outside to make it move; invisible force moving thing like a hand inside puppet.

Forces generated by evocation of air element? Can't rule out other elements. All elements have invisible sub-categories after all. Or small amounts of whatever element from right direction?

Funny halfling scribes (cute gold/black outfits) don't like my friends. Self-movitoring things still considered property of/"wielded" by evokifier. Floating mace not sentient but don't have to be rude to it. But halfling has point, floating weapons recipe for street brawls: prideful things.

Next time: make smaller, easier to hide friend. Knife!


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Identify

Really like the ashfolk scribes. I should ask that one I talked about undeadites with what his name is. He's fun to talk with. Seems smart.

Starting to thinkurate I'm not in Toril anymore. Too much ash with unusually high ouchify rate. Should ask around. But too busy trying to manifest-make money. Dinars. All my stuff is gone. Or left back home. Need new stuff. So much to replace.

Can't focuslite too much on arcane study though. Not healthy to be obsessed. Expand interests. Find a hobby.

Maybe politics?


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Improved Invisibility

Inviso-displacement excellent spell for keeping others alive. Not fun standing back watching others do all the fighting though.

Work in new hobby of politics slow. Politics closely tied with religion. Religion also another hobby to develop?

Chat with Mari revealed close parallels. First thought was Loviator. Then remembered always mix up Loviator with Beshaba. Beshaba more accurate. Pray to avert bad luck.

Old names of unreachable deities. Prayers cannot reach them. But new gods fill old roles. Roles exist because of shared understanding/perception by sentients?

Mystryl. Mystra. Azuth. Savras. Velsharoon. Izdu has their mantle here. Except maybe Velsharoon. None of the Wheel want to touch necromancy with a ten foot pole.

Not everything is as it appears.

How does inviso-displacement and other related spells interact with light? Bend? Redirect? Teleport? Experiment further. Need un-biased sample. Surprise cast on people.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Fox's Cunning

Finally had meaty-thick conversation about politics and underlying philosophy.

Enfranchisement of people as a whole (maximalization of voting bloc) key tenant of White League. Lucrecia made good arguments for masses of people being valued and important. But unsure if arguments entirely blast-proof, still heavily based in idealism with lesser consideration for real-practical conditions.

Politics constant experiment in wants conflicting with scarce resources. Results always intriguing.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Combust

Arson and pyromania surprisingly common aspect of political discourse. Thankfully yelling and shouting is the average standard. Politics is the organization of power. Fire is very powerful, even if most of it is outputted as heat. Hard part is organization.

Need to make decision on leagues soon. May not be able to buy voice before next election but making sendings is cheap.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Enhance Ability

Line of basic animal transmutations very basic, very useful. VERY BORING. Utility key when lives at stake. Can do fun-explosioning stuff on down time. Throw scintillating spheres at birds later.

For now: work. Need food. Need water. Need place to sleep. Need voice. Need money–dinars. League of Gold justified on their focus on financial power. Time scarce. Goods, service, and labour must be exchanged; goods, services, and labour poor forms of currency. Numericitation of value into coinage alacritizes flow of value and valuables. Work of others becomes work other others can use.

Does fetishization of this structure make for good policy? The system just a means to an end. The end is important. The end is policy. A systematic structure is not a morale compass.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Clairvoyance/Clairaudience

Woke up, heard no news about the missing baby. Very sad. Shame I don't have a scroll of scrying. Or anyone else, apparently(?)

Child-finding mission went pretty badly. Janissaries arguing with Tablet people. Astronomers stealing flowers. Everyone running around with no solid plan or idea.

Looked in tents. Followed grass. Looked in dry well. No baby. Didn't know what else to do either. But at least I figured that out and went to bed.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Enhance Ability, Fox's Cunning

If you don't pay attention a thousand dinari can quickifily disappear. Big lizard fight included acid projectiling totems, used up insulation potions. Brew more insulation potions. But need to brewtrate equal amounts between three potencies.

Can't have three lesser insulations, zero moderate insulations, and three greater insulations. Unbalanced resources is poor preparation. Results in un-efficient applicication of resources. Efficiency is having the right tool for the right situation.

Potion ingredients use up a lot of dinari if you don't pay attention.

Then Nasreen shows up to trade scrolls. Bought some from her for often requested potions.

Then Wajeeb shows up with a BARREL of electro-lightning. Had to buy that. Couldn't say no.

Was half way to buying a voice but now back to a third. Work work work. Dig for dinari. Brew for dinari. Kill for dinari.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Enhance Ability, Owl's Wisdom

Keep this spell perpetually active. Maybe perma-tattoo onto my palm?

Politicking fun! Thinking about policy after policy. Calculizing problems. Formucriting solutions.

Thought being supporter of Purple League would sate interest but proposal from Marquis from Savary invigorating.

So much to learn. So much to solve. Even basics opportunity for expanding mind-knowledge. Assembly? Allotment? Accord? So many A-words. Need to finalize glossary in mind memory space with proper definitions.

Conscript a scribe to provide private tutoring on intricacies of Well's governance.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Enhance Ability, Endurance

Arrived late to Assembly, still saw hours of it. Very interesting. Exciting.

Barely contained self. Wanted to yell and argue at so many points. But no Voice. Not yet. Passing paper to Bashir was probably bad idea. Probably against rules? No one yelled at me though.

Surprised by Legate Alriyh. Smart, insightful. Quick to speak to core of issue. Also the problem just beneath the surface. What he said over Bellows was dumb. Why say dumb thing when actually smart?

A trick? False opening? Feint?

Really good at picking battles? So good, can't tell what the battle about and where it is.

Two sub-factors of politics. Politics of policy. Politics of people. Alriyh taking poorly of caravneers dumb. But who was he speaking to? Why? What for? Mind constantly busy with policy. Can't forget people.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Colour Spray

What's wrong with how I talk!?

What's wrong with my name?!

Am I weird?

Is this another part of the politics of people? People have varying degrees of expected behaviour. Mine often not in line with average. As that astronomer with the fancy head-piece said: I am beyond typical deviation.

Deviations good. Means greater effect of unexpected variables and factors. Things worth isolating, searching for, studying, discovering, confirming.

But if the goal is to garner political support, facilitate cooperation, achieve communal goals, deviations that repel people becomes a liability. Hindrance.

Good reason and opportunity to continue work on sonic-recupping-device. Talk into cup. Record own voice. Play back. Study own speech. Identify differences compared to typical speech patterns.

Also ask others? Deviation is relative to the mean. I am not the best person to answer question: how am I different?

Severe lack of speech pathologists/therapists in Well.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Haste

What time is it? What day is it? So busy. Need to think of more efficient time/calendar system.

Haven't stopped since primaries started. So much data to collect. So much data gone unrecorded. Need to catch up where I can.

Numbers related to policy. Valuations of appeal of policy. Rates of peoples' interest, disinterest. Numbers of dinari. Numbers of signatures. Numbers of prospective votes. Reactions of debate crowd. Reactions to my modified personality, speech patterns. Number of times voice slips, people commenting me being weird.

Data. So. Much. Data.

Reviewing as fast as I can. At this rate, impossible to confirm all data.

But then there's the calculations with too many unknown variables.

Cosine both helps and hinders. Why? Initially favoured Nasreen. Constantly asking me to become nadiri. Gave advice on Purple League supporters. Then probably manipulated Estellise into endorsing me? Me winning or losing primary both benefits Cosine. He probably already calculated this. Increasing social capital with me would be good next step for him if he is satisfied with range of possible outcomes to all variables.

Lawari issue. Sebastian, Anais, Joryn. Uncommitted anti-establishment attitude driven by impulse? Superstition? Unsubstantiated feelings unsupported by evidence? They say I do not "get it". But refuse or unable to define "it". Do they "get it" themselves? Can "it" be quantified? Cannot comprehend the ease they are in with their lack of data. Does not seem to be a problem they want to resolve.

Cannot stop shaking. Primary results expected soon. So exciting. Results are more data.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Daze

Result surprising. Chances of winning primary were not zero. But my calculations had Nasreen ahead and favoured. Possibility is not probability. Probability is a predictor, end result is never locked in. The result is the result when the equation is finally calculated. No other real, hard result exists until that point.

But something still feels off. Double checked numbers. Triple checked. Still feels like I missed a variable or two.

Surprise has not stopped me. Nor slowed me. The result was still a new point of data. Ideas flooded my mind. So much to write. So much to do. So much to draw--though drawing skills poor, maybe hire someone?

The flood is never ending. One question leads to another. Questioning an unknown variable leads to all the other unknown variables that could be included in the same equation and formula. Could swim in it. Could drown in it.

Could not sleep. Too many questions. Too many unknown answers. Too many contingencies to plan to discover, plan for. Too many conversations to schedule and plan. So many things to think about and so many things to do.

If this is what it means to be Legate, I'm going to like it.


Scrawled on the margins of a Scroll of Confusion

Platform refinement in progress. Can't wait to see Narwen's work.

Speaking to people--Accorded, especially--less so. Doing more chasing than expected. Need to ring bells.

List of prospective magistrates and prefects shrinking. Only know so much of Purple League members. Some more active and about than others. Knowing people difficult. Each individual a wealth of variables.. Nasreen seems like obvious choice but some unknowns. Perfect if unknown variables ignored. Need to speak with her. Lack of data makes me hesitant about her on many issues. Could also use help/insight on ashfolk.

Sebastian possible decent choice but then conversation about Lawari happened. Wild ways of Kula may be partly antithetical to orderly society. Wildlife cooperate, participate in wheel of life. But the wheel grinds, inherently violent. Strong survive, the weak feed, fertilize.

Other good prospects are outside the League, have yet calculated if that is favourable or not.

Conversation with Qari, first look inside Legate office. Also deeper look into Qari. Preliminary knowledge compared to Qari's words points to paranoia. But more data needed to know for sure. Need to calculate whether (accidentally) calling Qari a potato benefits or hinders campaign.

Check with Bashir about Qari's concerns. Reliable. Aisha also seems reliable. Need to speak with her. Time and availability difference is bothersome. Maybe Estellise has a point with her time-traveling divinations.