A Letter to Bashir

Started by Mari, August 01, 2023, 01:47:45 PM

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Scribe Bashir,

I wished to inquire after a register of those who marched and survived to return, if such a thing is possible. As a matter to avoid misunderstandings of borrowed valor. I would, of course, offer a charity for this.

-Mari Blacke
High Priestess of My Lady Between the Stars

P.S.- Our mutual contact yet lives, having not marched themselves. They confide that commissions are yet open, and another work is underway.

Fabulous Secret Powers

Madame Blacke,

enclosed you can find a copy of the register in its current state. Having spoken with a number of people in order to compose it, it seems that at least one name is still missing. An elven archer, whose identity remains unclear. She wore orange armor, and was most likely a new refugee. Hekatomb's status on the list is vague, but he was present at the very beginning, at the very least.

I am delighted to hear that our mutual acquaintance still breathes, and I am most enthusiastic to read the next addition to their ouevre. I shall forward any commissions to you, as agreed upon.


Quote from: Record of SurvivorsAaisha al-Samar (non-combatant)

Amelie Terrois

Amenya Graen

Arevan Leaflicker

Atticus Naros

Aubrey Domergue

Bashir Khatara (non-combatant)

Cosine Mevura

Fergus Greaseglop

Galen Castor

Genady Toporov

Hekatomb (non-combatant?)

Joachim Sathuul

Karim yn Tarek

Katriona Belaske

Leander Nifkil

Mae Stern

Marcellus Saenus

Marriet Fineweather

Naelin Karstwen

Narwen Alendiel

Nathyra Everdance

Sephidra Niridhe

Shahin Asayesh


Zoresh Soldane