[A letter to the Union of Glaziers.] (DM)

Started by Erudiche, July 18, 2023, 12:16:58 AM

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To the Sultan's Loyal Union of Glaziers,

Salutations. I write to you bearing good will and praise for your work in representing the laboring people and artisans of the city against the blood-suckers and leeches who would imperil them. The Glaziers and the League of White are bound by ties of friendship and toil, bonds which have been nglected by prior candidates and left to wither on the vine. I wish such a circumstance no more, and wish to reignite the beacon of liberty and labor we might heft together.

I wish to speak to the noble Representative Hornsby, or whatever delegate he should chose to see me, so that we might discuss the ongoing relationship between the League and the Union. We have a duty to ensure that the Glaziers see their interests protected in future elections, and that the League might be able to serve as an able protector of those interests by winning such elections. Days of great trial are coming for us all.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Redemption! Redemption!


As you might perceive if you are capable of insightful perceptions, or infer if your wits are about you, the Union is incredibly busy; and moreso the Representative Hornsby entertains as he magnanimously wills or schedule allows, being the proprietor of the most fruitful enterprise in Ephia's Well.

That said, the ear of the Shop Steward is, perforce, available to the public, and may be bent on occasion by those with worthful business. And, while your flattering overtures strum a fine chord, the kernel of the message is absolutely obscure.

However, curiosity piqued, you may meet with me two weeks hence, and persuade me you are not simply another bag of air, like certain former Magistrates. Perhaps you will take this opportunity to refine and hone the edge of your intent.

- Shop Steward Caratrieste


Shop Steward Carastrieste,

Your benevolent invitation is appreciated. Two weeks hence I shall come.

I promise that in our meeting I shall be entirely forthright about my desires. Your time will not be wasted, I assure you.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Redemption! Redemption!