[A letter to the Officials of the League of White.] (DM)

Started by Erudiche, June 29, 2023, 09:13:40 PM

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Honored Officials,

I am absolutely and entirely loathe to bring this proposition forward, but considering the uniform public outcry concerning Echemmon's conduct on the Bellows, his opposition to what is an unobjectionable, emotionally-charged, consensus-issue of the day, that is: the banning of Wyrm worship... something must be done. I would like to call an emergency session with all possible haste to discuss Echemmon's sanction and replacement with Alexandria Sayburgh, who has near-equal legitimate standing and has not engaged in the public political disembowelment of our League.

We cannot afford to lose another election. We have become a joke in the eyes of the people who we seek to represent. Action is needed of us.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Redemption! Redemption!