Letter to Salvatore di Ravioci

Started by Doofus, June 26, 2023, 07:05:07 AM

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Ravioci, Honorable Brother in Faith

I have been appointed as your Liasion to the fourth by Lieutenant Rennik Colmes, I look forward to further cooperation.

Janissary Averroes Tashfhin, The Aetheling


Chaunter Averroes

This is good. I delivered my request for such before the Legate's untimely demise.

In the future, allow me to provide you with blessed ink as to avoid my need to burn these letters.
Following: my first requests for you in our formal capacity as collaborators.

Would you do me a favor and seek out Yomar to collect his written witness statement?
We will be moving forward on the interrogation of the Apothar directly afterward.

With Her blessing,
Inq. Ravioci