[To the remnants of the Oathseekers.]

Started by Runic, June 23, 2023, 12:21:39 AM

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[A letter, written on slightly grubby paper, but perfumed with lilacs and lavender. The handwriting is rough, and clearly not someone who was educated in a proper institution, but it serves.]

To the Remnants of the Oathseekers,

I am afraid the only names I know to send this to are the names Shamsa Sarim, Tormod Redmane, and Soliana Silden. If you are not one of the three named, absolutely fuck off. Honestly.
You do not know me. You will have only ever heard my lark-like song whispered to your ears. With the capture and suicide of your champion and advocate Isabella de Veend, you are likely in a period of mourning. Understandable. The Martyrs take and comfort you in these times, however, know that even when all doors look closed, the right opportunity may just wedge one open.

If you deem yourselves willing and wanting, for work, or for hire, or for revenge; please swing by our little nest. Let's talk face to face.

Marigold Pyke
Quartermistress of the Crows


A reply is tucked under the door of the Nest, folded together with the original letter. It reads quite simply:

We'll come around. Let's talk.
Zina Zizzo