Lieutenants of the 4th Legion PC/DM

Started by Qari, June 22, 2023, 09:21:01 PM

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Dear Lieutenants,

I hope this letter finds you well, in these troubling times.

I wish to commend and ensure recognition for two of your fine recruits. Their diligence and drive is a credit to the legion and their service to our Mother Baz'eel.

Johan Marrsos, and Adu Lar. Their aid in recent investigations was instrumental in uncovering the brooker Marl Marlson, and very likely saving my life in the process. They are a shining example of service among your men, and in the times to come we will need such examples to inspire the recruits and others who lack their drive. I would reccommend their promotion to Sergeant, for what value such a commendation would hold.

Qari Alriyh,
Former Magistrate of the League of Gold, First Seat,
Reader of the Wind and Sand,
Loyal Subject of our Blessed Sultan Osman VI