A Contract Given to Amenya Graen

Started by AsheandCinders, June 20, 2023, 09:42:02 PM

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[A contract offered to Amenya Graen, in person]


This Contract shall define the Terms of Agreement Between Amenya Graen, Hereafter referred to as the Signatory, and the Office of Reimbursed Charity

The Signatory shall be provided with charity to the Value of 2001 Dinari, for the Purpose of Obtaining a Voice.
The Signatory agrees to see the total value of the charity reimbursed to the Office of Reimbursed Charity, with a static interest of 25%, totalling 2501 Dinari.
The Signatory agrees to see Reimbursement provied at least once per week at a value of 750 Dinari of the total 2501 Dinari reimbursement for two weeks, and a final payment of 1001 Dinari within the third week under contract.
Any additional reimbursement within that week shall be considered early part-payment of the following week's reimbursement.

By signing this contract the signatory recognizes and permits the right for this document to be used as evidence in any criminal proceedings brought to bear involving the signatory, excluding any use against the Office of Reimbursed Charity.
The signatory waives all right to submit or aid in the submission of any charges of a non capital nature against the Office of Reimbursed Charity or any Deputised Agent thereof who claims and is confirmed to be acting in the performancs of their duties to ensure agreed reimbursement.
The Signatory recognizes and accepts that failure to reimburse in full or part the notarized and agreed upon weekly reimbursement sum laid out in this contract for a period of greater than one week without expressed reprieve from an Official of the Office of Reimbursed Charity shall be taken as a breach of contract to the full value of the total agreed sum of charity and shall be charged as theft in criminal proceedings to highest level of offence permitted for the total sum, and subsequently waives all right to advocacy in any trial resultant from the sumbission of the charge.

The Signatory

Countersign by Representative of the Office of Reimbursed Charity.
Aaisha al-Samar



Forever in the Shadows, yearning for the Light.