A letter to Frostport [Isabella]

Started by Don Nadie, June 13, 2023, 07:49:13 AM

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Don Nadie

S/ra Isabella,

I have been informed of your recent legal woes, the nature of which I can't begin to understand. I do hope you are safe, though the rumors of brooking do make me fear for the choices you may have made, and whether the corruption of Sol Auk has eroded even you. I can only send the advice we ought not let villains turn us into  their equals.

The reason I write, alas, is a tad more personal. Shortly after her victory, you and Zaniah both claimed you wouldn't break a promise. Let me know if you stil stand by that, and I shall arrange for things best I can. For now, I paid the Voice of Dormnhall from my own pocket.



Empress of Neon

Quote"Dear Alejandro,

Firstly, I  shall clear up on the charges of brooking. During an encounter with a d'jiin who came to make an offer to the Torchbearers, I accidentally blurted out four different names in moments of err.

I was having an emotional day and not really on guard against my habit of addressing others as I should've been. Estellise was one of them. It ended up making off with her to a Salty Hell. I felt responsible and terrified that she was about to lose her life and soul because of me. So, I took to the bellows hoping it would hear me through her chip and made an offer. Three names if she was returned. I didn't intend to honor it if it could be avoided (it was a fucking devil for crying out loud), but I had a trick up my sleeve if I was compelled. Three names; one person.

Isabella Highcliff. Isabella Fitzgerald. And Isabella de Veend. All true to the last.

It seemed to have already brought her back by the time I returned, however, so it was a needlessly destructive gesture. That's when Naelin tried to get the others to throw me at it. Once again, emotion eroded caution amidst everything and I continued to blurt out names when I called Naelin a vile and agreed with Kythaela I screwed up (I know; I'm starting to feel old and stupid).

I left for a few days to see if it would try to follow. It was never interested in me; or collecting on an offer it didn't hear. I was called back, though. For charges of brooking and attempted murder. I am guilty of attempting to brook with the thing inside Ephia's Well, as well as endangering life and soul of several residents. I am not guilty of attempted murder.

Sadly, there were many parties interested in using the incident as an opportunity to end my life. Despite a lack of malice. Bribes, orders and the usual nonsense that warped the courts into the mockery they are today made any trial going forward a death sentence. And no, Zaniah showed no interest or appetite in administering a tempered verdict herself. So, I did what I've often ended up having to do in Ephia's Well. I sidestepped the government and simply left. Renounced my citizenship papers and made for lands beyond the Sultanate. Anything less would've been akin to letting someone slit my throat.

I'm willing to risk my life over many things. But I'll not surrender it so easily to the schemes of my enemies. Especially when their intent is murder; not justice.

Any aid I give to the Citadel going forward will be done in exile. Exile I intend to honor, as I'm not about to cheat my husband's patron of his dues. The Wroth always gets them; and I'm not faultless.

As for the campaign promise, you do realize you'ret asking someone who's been exiled to pour her fortunes to politics in a Citadel that's turned her back on her?

You do realize how expensive it is to live out of Ephia's Well, and that this promise was not mine alone, right?

Having said that, I invited Mr. Dormhall to visit for this very subject. Perhaps you can both attend and hear what I have to offer.

Despite everything, I still believe a promise made is a promise to be kept.

There's just a few details we need to comb over with respects to changing circumstances.

~ Isabella

P.S You'll be happy to know prior to my exile, the first week's subsidies found their way to Mr. Dormhall's hands.

22,500 dinars left to go."

Don Nadie

S/ra Isabella,

I thank you for your letter. It does seem this was a most unfortunate incident, though I suspect you ought to have let justice run its course. At worst, you would've seen yourself in precisely the same state as now, Exiled. At best, you would've been cleared, or simply fined. I am a firm believer that none would fault you for inexperience. I myself have blurted a name or two before djinnis, simply due to not being accustomed to such creatures.

I shall make my way to Frostport as soon as possible. Probably in the morrow. I will be happy to hear your offer, though I'd also be interested in knowing whether the Legate will uphold a promise made in her name.

I thank you for your candor, and look forward to talking soon.

