Slave Auction

Started by Random_White_Guy, June 12, 2023, 02:51:38 PM

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Though the word Conscript is used, the connotations are rather apparent for any civilized figure.


In agreement to oversee her Exile for uncivil tongue and savage way by the Purple League, the Gold League has offered reprieve. A sum of 6,000 dinar is owed in service by

Voiced Mirit the Liar, named Exile, now Bound.
Ex-Scribe of the Sublime Gardens

For a sum of 3,000 dinar may:

  • A Voiceless figure may have a figure by which Voice may be utilized, property bought in her name, your commands whispered to her in Assembly to pass onwards, and similar while she puts her efforts towards raising funds for your own Voice.

  • A Voiced figure may double their money and investment, purchasing her debt-contract, while she toils and you enjoy the lavish life of Generational Wealth.

  • A Voiced figure may showcase the gravity of their charity, in taking in this stray human to keep her fed, clothed, educated, and her lot in life improved. For even some of Ephia's visitors from Baz'eel lack the clout and wealth to own such a conscript.

  • A Compassionate figure may simply purchase her debt, and see it waived, releasing her from such obligation. Though this is a most unorthodox action, it would be within your right to undertake.
    Seek or leave word for Legate Sol Auk and the Scribes shall read your offerings to him. Should more than one party express an interest in purchase the 3,000 dinar price shall be raised to the highest bidder's offer.

    Until her sum of 6,000 dinar paid she would be bound by contract and violation of such would see her raised on charges of Capital Theft, resulting in her Execution.

    Dictated but not read for economic prosperity,
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


In the wake of the announcement there was little word, save protest from Gold Magistrate Mari Blacke

QuoteMari Blacke
I would speak with the Legate of Purple regarding the Legate of Gold's slave auction of a priestess of the Wheel, when time allows. Lynneth or Alejandro, when you've a moment as well. This is Mari Blacke.

...but once word came of a buyer, did the Bellows take to shaking.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Greet. Bid has come for Voiced Mirit the Bound, from Magistrate Harith al-Qadim of the Purple League. The present sum sits 3,000 dinar. If any wish to best him they have until this evening to raise word by missive, by Bellow, or to seek Sol Auk.

A Purple Legate's Magistrate, bidding on purchase of a "Debt Contract", argued by some as little more than thinly veneered enslavement.

QuoteMari Blacke
I would advise those who would participate in the slave auction of a voiced citizen and priestess of the Wheel to consider well the lack of wisdom and the inherent impiety of the act.

Who will turn a blind eye to the matter of exile without trial for being vexatious on the bellows because they find the woman personally displeasing? Well. Let us see.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Magistrate Mari Blacke, your services as Magistrate are no longer required. May all consider well the lack of wisdom in interfering in Sol Auk's profits. Interested parties are welcome to seek Sol Auk to sit as Second Magistrate of the Gold League.

QuoteEstellise Azimi
Also, I do not agree with the High Priestess on virtually anything, but I also think a slavery contract on Mirit is unseemly, even before we get into the fact that I can imagine no one who would ever purchase such a thing.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
...Apothar Azimi, Slavery is a vile word. This is the punishment of Conscription, wholly legal, as is the sale of such a contract to the Voiced Magistrate of the Purple League.

Who's bid sits presently at 3,000 dinar. Any who wish to raise a sum higher to secure Voiced Mirit the Bound's contract may seek Sol Auk before day's end. Else to the Purple go the spoils.

QuoteEstellise Azimi
Thank you for the clarification, Legate. My apologies. Onto more important matters.

QuoteAlejandro Benjazar
Buena noche, my friends. I would merely add to the chorus which finds slavery abhorrent, specially when used to enlarge our already heavy Legate. One does trust the Lawful authorities shall interpret with more wisdom the difference between putting someone at work for the Well... And this.

Alejandro Benjazar
I do invite people to consider, too, how smart it may be to do this to a priestess of the Sabotage, and likey attract Their irate gaze. The sound of three and three knocks Always best not to call missfortune, less so for a bad reason. Live and drink!

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Fair Alejandro. Business between the Gold Legate and Purple Magistrate appointed by second Legate is about as close to 'Lawful Authority' that may be found in Ephia's Well. We sit as two judge over the fate of criminal. Do not weep for this priestess, as she agreed, in lieu of Exile for her crime.

QuoteQari Alriyh
Dear Citizens, allow me to allay your concerns... Mother Baz'eel does not practice slavery, and it shall not be so here in Ephia's well. The matter being discussed however, is not slavery. Indentured service for one to repay their debts, or conscription to an established body operated by the voiced, is legal.

Mirit the Bound, retains all her rights, as a citizen of Ephia's well. A slave has no such claim. Further, those who bellow complaint - I had opened a formal inquiry, allowing petition or complaint against Sol Auk and for two days, not a single soul came forth to /legally/ and formally take umbrage with it.

As none bothered to come forth to petition for Sol Auk's removal, the gold league must assume that the voiced citizenry as a whole are happy with how things are, and there is a rather small, but very vocal minority who wishes to complain. The petition for Sol Auk's removal is now closed.

QuoteKhalid al-Hayim
'In the name of Warad, the most vigilant, the merciful, this servant bids all greetings. With great sadness he has heard upon the winds much talk. Much of the word slavery and of the punishment of the Alimah, Mirit, who driven from the Well and given a means of forgiveness. So he thought.'

'Such was the matter on the face of it, punishment for crimes is not to be in question, but this is no longer the case. Now her debt is openly traded and sold, such is not merely an affront to all citizens, but so too to the temple and spoke she serves.'

'Upon the winds, a Magistrate confirmed her status and dignity as voiced is to be retained. As it is with her civic privilege, let it be so with her sacred one. Let the Priestess Mirit serve her City and Sultan. To trade her so openly lacks decorum, a perilous state which, if this servant recalls justified her banishment.

'If her offense was against society so that she needed be seperated from it, her debt belongs to society entire. It is not permissible for it to be traded.'

As the evening comes at last, is announcement made.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Waradim Khalid, Ephia's Well is indeed faithful to the wheel, and to the Spokes, as Mother B'aara sits firmly carved upon our Stele as glorious Patron. Service of the Gods though does not gift immunity from Legal Punishment. Of which is what Mirit the Bound undertakes.

That being said with night upon us the Scribes have concluded their labor. Magistrate Harith of Purple, none have contested your bid or sought to buy it and free her. Therefore the paperwork is prepared you need only deliver the Dinar and Mirit the Bound shall be yours.

And with that, is Voiced Mirit the Bound's debt sold to the Purple League, all that remains is delivery of the sum and the signature...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Overnight is deal solidified

QuoteHarith al-Qadim
Mirit Al-Ismat, I, Harith al-Qadim, have purchased your debt from Legate Auk. You are hereby released from all expectations of labor, bondage, servitude or subjugation. It is my expectation that you will pay your debt to me in time, either in Baz`eeli dinar or in honor shown to the Magi named Izdu. If not I will count this a lesson learned, and take such to mind.

Mari, I will accept a suitable bribe for doubting my honor. Please find me on the morrow, for your gossip has worn me to the bone.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips