[Sol Auk's Hate Mail]

Started by Empress of Neon, June 09, 2023, 07:48:24 AM

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Empress of Neon

Although a copy is sent to the intended recipient, numerous copies find their way to many citizens of the Well. Including:

Apothar Azimi,
Lynneth of the Balladeers,
Kythaela of the Banda Rossa,
Alejandro of the Balladeers,
Lieutenant Rennik Colmes,
Averroes of the Legion,
Alexandria Sayburgh,
Gianluca of the Banda Rossa,
Dormhall of The White League,
Mari Blacke,
Mirit the Liar,
Apothar Cosine,
A Brokeleg Beggar,
Marl Marlson,
Sephidra the Torchbearer,
Khalid of Warad,
Legate Zaniah Almirah,
Wajeeb (The one and only)

Quote"Dear Sol Auk,

As per request by Legionnaire Averroes, who makes a fine argument not to scream over the bellows, I have chosen instead to write my grievances to you to be read directly to your face by whomever is unfortunate enough to be orating the written word to you today.

Following a scribe's records of the bellows I had to drown out earlier when I was having an important discussion, I have the following retort written for you:

1. Exiling citizens of the Well without a trial is a staple of your disgraceful tenure as a Legate. It's neither intimidating nor impactful to someone who's roamed the dunes for 9 years and has a number of business ventures well beyond the walls of Ephia's Well to keep her needs sated. It impedes my agenda; but nothing more.

Do not think death threats will get you anywhere either. Threatening someone's life only works if they're afraid to lose it.

2. For a Stonefolk, you sure do have thin skin. You know deflecting accusations of character doesn't excuse your sins, I hope? It also betrays an attempt to traffic shame. Something I know is alien to you in all but its threat. This also means you traffic in lies;  liar. I will freely admit I had hoped to see the diplomatic cabinet you spectacularly botched in your tenure as sole legate refined for the good of the well. The lack of a cohesive agenda, organization and ambassadors blackmailing one another at the expense of the state's interests was staggering. I also freely admit I had intended it to be a project of the Purple League to see the Sultanate's influence and power expanded.

The problem is it was brooked by a creature I'm half-certain is a d'jiin at this point. And the sheer number of protests received in the backdrop over you pointing an office to a league outside of your own was one I had difficulty arguing with. It clicked with me it was your latest attempt to influence other Leagues to whatever games you're up to and perhaps a desperate bid to control me with some phantom of investment. In truth, I suspect these offices you insist on the other leagues are just like all of your other cons.

The Mother bades us to seek purity. And upon reflection, I was disgusted with myself having ever taken this offer without the entire League's blessing from a creature like you. Consider the resignation my means of casting out the devil (you) in homage to Mother B'aara. And the ghosts of my loved ones who remembered a woman with a higher sense of morality and right than the one who's walked of late.


3. Murder is very clearly acceptable insofar as it benefits your agenda. As you clearly attempted to signal when you pardoned a murderer who confessed to the crime of slaughtering a prominent statesman. Do you think I'm blind to what you've been doing to Ephia's Well the past few months?

Consistently neutering the state's coffers?

Pitting everyone and everything against eachother?

Trying to divorce the Legion from its duties of security to third party mercenaries, militants and gangs?

Pushing the boundaries again and again on legal precedents to see what you can get away with?

Generating friction and mistrust between the government and its people?

Shamelessly and openly profiteering off your office instead of  engaging in good governing?

Nothing I've ever done in my life comes close to the harm and chaos you've stoked. And this is just your list of offenses as Legate.

As I stated on the bellows, you're a fucking disgrace to an office entrusted with governing a stable, prosperous Ephia's Well. You are  a snake-tongued-charlatan-criminal-of-a-traitor to the people and the Sultanate. The only possible thing you could do to earn even a slither of redemption or plausible deniability at this point is to resign and admit your failures.

Even then, you will always have my scorn for the damage you've done to this community. This place has a great destiny and purpose that your antics have threatened.

Endured and remembered.

~ Isabella de Veend

P.S Lose some fucking weight. You're a walking hazard to the first person you trip on you insensitive asshole."

Empress of Neon

*A bellows followed soon after.*

Isabella de Veend:

... aherm, dear, this is uh... a little embaressing...

I just realized I addressed the wrong stack of letters to the wrong recipients on my desk. Uh... everyone, if you get a letter that was meant for Sol Auk... well, I trust you'll be dignant and just... throw it away... eheh...

Oh, and uh... Legate Zaniah, I'll be lounging outside your office for a time... if you have a moment. As to everyone else... warm night.


A groaning scribe is seen reading, then re-reading just for clarification the diatribe in question. The Manifesto is then carefully read to the stoic Stone Legate. After some time they can be seen walking the Pyramid as it takes to somber oration.

Voiced Isabella,

The Scribes have informed Sol Auk of your missive. They have dictated that a deviation from our usual business of the morning to address such. Your... creative expression of self will be addressed line-by-line.

[hide]"Dear Sol Auk,

As per request by Legionnaire Averroes, who makes a fine argument not to scream over the bellows, I have chosen instead to write my grievances to you to be read directly to your face by whomever is unfortunate enough to be orating the written word to you today.[/hide]

That would be Kulam Kulan, the Scribes gathered and drew straws and regrettably he drew the shortest. He had some charitable words for Legionaire Averroes as if you had used the bellows he would at least get paid by the State instead of the cost of ink and parchment.

[hide]Following a scribe's records of the bellows I had to drown out earlier when I was having an important discussion, I have the following retort written for you:

1. Exiling citizens of the Well without a trial is a staple of your disgraceful tenure as a Legate. It's neither intimidating nor impactful to someone who's roamed the dunes for 9 years and has a number of business ventures well beyond the walls of Ephia's Well to keep her needs sated. It impedes my agenda; but nothing more.

Do not think death threats will get you anywhere either. Threatening someone's life only works if they're afraid to lose it.[/hide]

As the Scribes hold explicit transcript of all Bellows, legally delivered, a few matters of import. Firstly there were no death threats issued, in any capacity.  For whatever incited this incident and lead to your expressive missive it may have been a catalyst for you but for Sol Auk it was merely another day. Your existence for better or worse holds no bearing on things. You merely are. Your agenda is of no concern and your business is a personal matter.  The comment was raised because of your profanity laden outburst, no more and no less.

On the matter of Exile without a Trial, please revisit the Legal Code of Ephia's Well. There is no mention of the word "Trial" at all in Ephia's Penal Code. It merely says that Capital Punishment may be issued by a Judge.

The Chief Scribe of Ephia's Well, on the matter of Judgement, shares thusly:

Quote from: Chief Scribe Frederica Ashbury"Most legal decisions, like exiling someone, you or a judge you've appointed can do unilaterally as long as it is in accordance with the law"

Quote from: Chief Scribe Frederica Ashbury"You are empowered to judge any crime as you see fit, and give out punishment as mandated by the law. Including Exile!"

For matters of Exile in Abstentia, see documentation of State v. Itaja, ratified by Legate Azadeh Zarat

For matters of Exile in Summary Judgement, see documentation of State vs Al-Ismat, ratified by Legate Sol Auk, Legate Zaniah Almirah, Magistrate Harith al-Qadim

For matters of Probationary Exile, see documentation of State vs Azimi, State vs Mevura, ratified by Legate Sol Auk.

2. For a Stonefolk, you sure do have thin skin. You know deflecting accusations of character doesn't excuse your sins, I hope? It also betrays an attempt to traffic shame. Something I know is alien to you in all but its threat. This also means you traffic in lies;  liar. I will freely admit I had hoped to see the diplomatic cabinet you spectacularly botched in your tenure as sole legate refined for the good of the well. The lack of a cohesive agenda, organization and ambassadors blackmailing one another at the expense of the state's interests was staggering. I also freely admit I had intended it to be a project of the Purple League to see the Sultanate's influence and power expanded.

The problem is it was brooked by a creature I'm half-certain is a d'jiin at this point. And the sheer number of protests received in the backdrop over you pointing an office to a league outside of your own was one I had difficulty arguing with. It clicked with me it was your latest attempt to influence other Leagues to whatever games you're up to and perhaps a desperate bid to control me with some phantom of investment. In truth, I suspect these offices you insist on the other leagues are just like all of your other cons.

The Mother bades us to seek purity. And upon reflection, I was disgusted with myself having ever taken this offer without the entire League's blessing from a creature like you. Consider the resignation my means of casting out the devil (you) in homage to Mother B'aara. And the ghosts of my loved ones who remembered a woman with a higher sense of morality and right than the one who's walked of late.


Sol Auk does not deflect accusations of character, nor a traffic of shame. Sol Auk offered elucidation because there has been an increase concern over your deterioration. At the time of your bellows it was mentioned by others you grow increasingly unstable. The arrival of these missives did little to mitigate such claims. Some have said it has made you appear even more unhinged. Your claims of betraying an attempt to traffic in shame is a curious turn of phrase. Sol Auk has never deflected character, nor cared for it. He has been called far worse things than you may conjure, and your odd hand-spasms in passing mean nothing.

To the Leagues, As Legate of Ephia's Well, the Leagues of Ephia's Well's health is a concern. Chairman, Chancellor, and Hetman were designed to be positions filled by members of the Leagues as yourself, Argus, and Alexandria were at the time of appointment. If it has coaxed the League leadership out of its comatose state to recognize the abject failure of their Leagues all the better. For the White League suffers, the Purple League suffers, and the Gold League suffers. And if the Catalyst of these positions inspire new League members, with the blessing of the League Officials, to take them? All the better.

Sol Auk has no interest nor care in "Controlling the other leagues", nor you, only in so much the fact the Purple League two election ago fielded a candidate with two votes, and last election the White League fielded a Candidate with zero vote. These are not signs of prosperity, nor success. And so a platform was given for members of the League to secure greater tools to improve matters. A title is a tool, no more and no less.

Your claim of Sol Auk being a Djinn is... unusual, and your declaration of Sol Auk being a creature, a devil, and more only shows your steps from reality.

The Scribes have informed Sol Auk that Shithead is... a refugee colloquialism.

[hide]3. Murder is very clearly acceptable insofar as it benefits your agenda. As you clearly attempted to signal when you pardoned a murderer who confessed to the crime of slaughtering a prominent statesman. Do you think I'm blind to what you've been doing to Ephia's Well the past few months?[/hide]

]Stonefolk and Ashfolk share the beliefs of Peace, as taught by B'aara. Murder is not acceptable, in any capacity. Attempting to Signal is a strange phrase, but the trial in question was dismissed due to Janissary overstepping their boundaries, defiling the dead's legacy, potentially even being complicit in the murder, harassment of their own witness, and a litany of other matters that kept this far from a cut and dry judgement of any other Case. Legate is a balancing act and the situation as it unfurled presented a sizeable imbalance, by which as Legate, Sol Auk is free to render judgement.

Your capability for vision is not a weighing factor in any matter of Sol Auk's actions, over how many months. Months mean nothing, they are fleeting, years passing, decades dripping.

[hide]Consistently neutering the state's coffers?

Pitting everyone and everything against eachother?

Trying to divorce the Legion from its duties of security to third party mercenaries, militants and gangs?

Pushing the boundaries again and again on legal precedents to see what you can get away with?

Generating friction and mistrust between the government and its people?

Shamelessly and openly profiteering off your office instead of  engaging in good governing?[/hide]

The state's coffers have never been more robust, during interregnum the Accord nearly sundered the city, the Legion's duties are clear, the Banda's duties are clear, and Citizens are free to organize as they please.

Legal precedents are drawn from historical context, as taught by the Scholar Voiced Marcellus Sol Auk is well trusted by many. Governance has been stable, and lauded by the Princess Faziima saying herself "Very Good, Sol Auk". As for shamelessly and openly profiteering, you only paint yourself as a foreigner in our fair land. For this is how governance is done among the Ashfolk.

[hide]Nothing I've ever done in my life comes close to the harm and chaos you've stoked. And this is just your list of offenses as Legate.

As I stated on the bellows, you're a fucking disgrace to an office entrusted with governing a stable, prosperous Ephia's Well. You are  a snake-tongued-charlatan-criminal-of-a-traitor to the people and the Sultanate. The only possible thing you could do to earn even a slither of redemption or plausible deniability at this point is to resign and admit your failures.

Even then, you will always have my scorn for the damage you've done to this community. This place has a great destiny and purpose that your antics have threatened.

Endured and remembered.

~ Isabella de Veend[/hide]

The Sultanate has lauded Sol Auk's works, and the People the same. It is a small sub-sect of Refugee, who believe their ways and morals and beliefs are somehow superior or as outsider ought be the way of the entire realm.

That is not Sol Auk's woe to worry, but the worry of others who monitor civility and Decorum.

Redemption is not required when the Sultanate has proclaimed their favor of Sol Auk.

Resignation is not required, as the Sultanate told Sol Auk "You are the only thing preventing Anarchy".

Your scorn will be noted.

[hide]P.S Lose some fucking weight. You're a walking hazard to the first person you trip on you insensitive asshole."[/hide]

Sol Auk is appropriately girthed given his status and merit.

Dictated but not read for hysterical consolation,
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Empress of Neon

Quote"Dear Sol Auk,

I saw you sent me some kindling with your name on it and had it promptly tossed into the fireplace where it belongs.

It did very little to warm the room. That's a very egregious insult where I'm from.

Send some charcoal next time you cheapskate.

~ Isabella de Veend"

Empress of Neon

*A wrapped canvas with a note attached arrives.*

Quote"Dear Sol Auk,

I think this portrait really captures your personality, tenure and company.

It was inspired after a scribe approached me to relay how upset you were.

Consider it my way of saying I'm sorry that you're so easily offended or that you feel as though you've been treated unfairly in recent days.

You poor, unfortunate soul.

Rest assured, I will be striving to do better.

~ Isabella de Veend"



QuoteIf you wish to return to Ephia's Well,

A contract comparable to Mirit's may be arranged.

Though as your crimes far more severe than hers, the sum of debt would be set at 15,000 dinar.

Dictated but not read for fugitive understanding,
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Empress of Neon