Letter to Lynneth

Started by Vlaid, June 09, 2023, 07:42:44 AM

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You don't know me much and I guess I don't know you much either. You made a lot of assumptions about me and that goes both ways.

You said a few things in between the posturing and yelling, amusing as it was all around in the tower that caught my interest. Why don't we sit down and enjoy a little coffee and tell me what you think I don't know?

[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]



I have gotten a taste for coffee, as of late.

I shall be glad to lift the torch,  and shed what light I may.

Seek me out.
