The Yearning Urn Brothel

Started by Random_White_Guy, May 06, 2023, 05:26:06 AM

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Rumors begin to circulate that with Rashid al-Rashid's rise to Legate, Sol Auk has revived some of his old businesses. If that is because he now has someone to aid in the labor freeing him to focus back on profit, or in spite of the Rise of such an Interim Legate, is anyone's guess.

QuoteMarket Rumour:
A trade stall has been opened up in Ephia's Well - Dry Gutters - The Creep by Legate Sol Auk called 'The Ephian Cartel - Narcotics, Usury, Discreet contract.'!

What cannot be guessed is the very next night amidst a conflict between the Alchemists Guild, a local Chef, and Dwarves bellowing for the usual call and response - came forth a bellow from the Legate

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Such strife, such woe, so much tension, aggression. Sol Auk has spent the last many days listening to the Bellows, weighing and considering, and has come to the only logical conclusion one can make. This must stop. So a Brothel is to open.

The Yearning Urn shall offer no shortage of amenities to a respectable and dignified clientele. There shall be offering pleasantries, rarities, and wonders from across the Great Ash Desert. For if you seek to spend what you earn, no matter your yearn, satisfaction at the Urn.

Yet another Labor of Sol Auk's comes to Ephia's Well, another vice.

Somewhere within Ephia's Well has property been purchased, has furniture been moved, has clientele been sought.

Talk even that Conscripts, male and female, are being appraised for purchase in Ka'esh by the Gold Legate during the Gold League's meeting tomorrow.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips