Karl's papers

Started by Gordan, May 05, 2023, 08:27:14 AM

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All  i do is kill

Kill for your master

Pay your master her daugther voice

Kill again

Gather coins for killing


We are all murderers

And i will be murdered

Why is life so short?

Why do i fear the end?




Kill them

Kill them all


I saw the mother and i prayed to her .

No water can quench the thirst for blood.

I saw the ligth of a mother i feeled her love

A tool

A slave

Not a son

Never a son

Never worthy

Never strong

Celias was rigth

Will someone rememer me?


They want hurt us

Hurt them

Hurt her

Let them come

I will make them regret

Been free


I saw her

I saw her gaze upoen me,

My muse,

She is my Muse now?


Make her proud


We all deserve more

She deserve more

I was a horrible brother

A worst son.

But now i can dream

Now i can taste

And i will dream

Dream of the neverending sky and of who await me between the stars


He just want to figth

no purpose, no goal, no dreams, no nothing

Just figth

figth for the sake of figthing

He is a anathema to all i believe.

I figth because i have no other choice, i figth because in this world there are things worth protect, dreams worthy safeguard.

He figth for destroy dreams

I hate him


Is not worthy

Nothing is worthy

Love is dead

My muse is gone

I cant see a dream

I cant see a goal

A purpose

What should i do with my life?

With no past i can only go forward

But no path is open for me

I will smash my head agaist this wall

Until it break

Fuck you Ephia's well



